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Posts posted by mzphee

  1. Ok I'm at it again, this time its a women's conference, its indoors ands its 3days starting today. I have added lip balm and dipped washclothes to my line. Normally this is Scentsy spot but they asked me if I would be interested in doing this. The coordinator sampled my melts and liked them. Yay will let you guys know how it goes

  2. Good Morning everyone well the two weekend craft show is over....ugh the weather was horrible 3 of the 4 days. This is one of the biggest shows in our area, sales I didnt do so great but I did make my booth rent plus a little extra, which I am ok with....I got alot of compliments on my items, my best seller was 2oz portion cups $1.50 or 4/$5.00 I did alot of networking so it was a great experience my husband and I had fun...OH last weekend a lady came in my booth she started looking around smelling things, we began talking and she said she has used yankee tarts for over 20 yrs and thats all she use, she gave me a "lesson" on warmers, which I already knew, afterwards she purchased the 4/$5.00 and told me she will try it but shes a diehard Yankee tart fan...WELLLLLLL she came back this weekend with great reviews...shes impressed she said when she got home she put my 2oz in her yankee warmer and scentsy warmer and the are still going a week later 24/7....that was exciting because I test in hot plate combo warmer and I get 8-12 hrs depending on the scent....so she wants me to do a melt party she has told her sister and friends and they all are impressed....So there was some good that came out of 2 weekends of severe rain, blowing winds, and mud for days....lol

  3. I agree 100% with Scented. I got a helluva deal on some closeout FO's from BCN 5 years ago and the last time I used some, in Feb, it was just as kick butt as it was the day I got it. But I've also bought some off of some classifieds before, where they said they were a year or so old, and they weren't worth the time it took me to pour it out of the bottle.

    All you can do is test and see.

    I agree with BTA and Scented you may be surprised....BTA I have also gotten FO from some classifieds and they were nothing gave the benefit and put it in wax still nothing

  4. I agree with Jack I have about 30 scents in calmshell melts and 2oz portion cups. and 8-10 scents in candles, I didnt sell 1 candle but sold out of several calmshells and 2oz melts... I would rather be overstocked then under...I had people asking for scents I have never ventured into and a few I have the oil just didnt make....take what you have ....I guess...lol

  5. At least you've made the booth fee. That would frustrate me if sales were bad and I lost money. Hopefully this next weekend will be better! You are at least getting your name out there! You never know if people will want to buy more later.

    you are correct...my husband said im being to hard on myself, this is my first year doing a big craft show and I do have 2 more days to go...thanks for the encouragement....I did get to network with other crafters and got a few leads on up coming shows and shows for next year

  6. I am in a very huge craft show its 2 weekends and I just completed the first weekend and sales so far was horrible..granted I do have this weekend coming up before I write it off as horrible, but so far I have made my booth rent back plus a little more...just wanted to vent a little because I am a little disappointed. I have calmshells, 2oz portion cups, 7oz candles,warmers, and body butter. the best seller was the 2oz portion cups which I sell for $1.50 or 4/$5.00 There was alot of vendors selling all sort of different things. I am going to restock today for saturday and sunday and pray things get better...if nothing else it was a great experience and alot of networking.... any advice will be greatly appreciated.....oh I didn't sell one candle ...but they did look great set up lol

  7. HELLO!!! I have agreed to do one of the biggest craft shows in our area, spoon river scenic drive, this event has been around for many many years and people come from different states to participate. I am thinking and I know its last minute but I need to add a few small things to my line...its a 4day show and I do have enough of my major items, melts, body butter, linen sprays, candles, and warmers. but I would like to add something else I dipped a few TP and I can take those my sister is an awesome decorator so they will be very nice. but is there anything elese I can do or is this enough? please any input would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Yeah, from what my fiance's mom told me there's lots of crafters out there too. She bought a bunch of candles from a lady a few years ago. This one goes from Galesburg to Aurora in June. That's like a 100 mile drive.

    mzphee - the one I was thinking of he told me is called scenic drive. I tried looking it up but didn't find much except for the actual booths in Knox County. But he said it's like a tour through alot of small towns. And people have tables and booths set up just on the sides of the roads.

    wow this post is 7months old but guess what? Its called Spoon River Scenic Drive, its Oct6-7 and 13-14 it goes through fulton county and the price varies from $80 for 2weekends to $280...I just got my call this evening regarding a space available, Im still deciding wether to do it or not..the hard part is picking a spot were there is high traffic Im going toward Farmington,IL if I do decide to do this.....i had to search and find this thread..lol

  9. Judy, this is what I do as well. I just aim the pot at the middle of the clamshell and just let the wax run into the cubes and pour almost to the top. I get the drips from the pour pot, but that is about it.

    me three, I just aim for the middle and allow the wax to fill...i have learned where the fill line is..lol after many clean ups, but I use my 2lb pour pot alot too

  10. I ordered several samples of pumpkin scents from Aztec and I cant smell any pumpkin in them. vanilla pumpkin pie, pumpkin souffle, and pumpkin spice. I cant smell any pumpkin notes all I smell is cinnamon in all of these. I use a blend of PB pillar and excel, and I let my melts cure for 5-7 days. I used 1.3oz pp. I also ordered apple cinnamon and the same thing all I smell is cinnamon no apple at all. has anyone else had this issue? I am already late with fall scents now Im really gonna be set back...I did do a search and found a few favorites that people use so im back to the drawing board....oh I did order amish harvest, autumn leaves,and sugared spruce and I love those

  11. TY...I may have to try it..am trying 6006...have a good chunk of it to use up..lol

    Kimmeroo what do you think of 6006?, This is the wax I use and I love the way it looks and I have got it to set up with little to no wetspots, I do temper my wax,(why? I dont know) but im just not please with the HT, I mean its ok but not like I want, I use zinc wicks which I do like but do you think it could be the wicks? oh im using 7oz elemental jars if that helps and maybe 6-8% fo

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