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Everything posted by SimpleScentsCandleCo

  1. I've submitted several fragrance reviews. I only get an odd ":" after clicking submit. And days later, my reviews still aren't up. I'd curiously, like to know...if they hand pick the reviews that make it onto the site. I originally thought it was because I was using Opera as my web browser, so I used IE, then Chrome, and got the same ":". FWIW, these weren't bad reviews either. Any one know either way?
  2. I was using a burn time calculator at work, and didn't have my spreadsheet in front of me is all. The only measurement I didn't have on the piece of paper WAS the empty weight...sooooooo that's why I was looking for it.
  3. I filled them all, I do have one that is almost empty, a pumpkin souffle that I'm not quite happy with. Guess I could just be patient I guess eh? Just wanted to calculate a burn time on one of my other candles. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
  4. Does anyone seem to know this off the top of their head. I failed to weigh mine before filling. I'd appreciate it if someone had it handy, as I can't find it anywhere on the internet. ~Holly
  5. I pour 2 of each scent. I'm wondering if this is overkill/a waste of wax. I am 6%ing my 464 (1oz/pp). I guess per the max FO load I could pour just 8oz w/1oz FO? and test for HT that way... thoughts?
  6. Do you find it helps with some of the lighter FO's? Im curious, as during the recent sample sale, I got a lot of doubles, on purpose.
  7. Just did an initial test burn on one of my two candles of Apple Harvest FO. My husband gave the 2nd away to my mother on accident. 16oz GB 464 2 Cranberry Dye Chips 1oz Apple Harvest FO ECO 14 (x2) Status Jar (x2) (Diameter is 3") • Heated through until temp of 185 • Added Dye @ 165 • FO @ 145 • Poured @ 125 Tonight, the candle was 5 days old, so I decided to test for HT...and its so-so. Good CT. Thinking its the wick? I don't know what else to try, anyone have any opinions on the matter? FWIW, my pumpkin souffle wasn't great either, I poured two of those as well, and the test burn of the first one gave poor HT. Im letting the 2nd sit a bit longer.
  8. I think, Im...becoming addicting..... quick......take my temperature.
  9. I'm debating on pulling the trigger on a Peak order of FO's.... I feel like I'm cheating on my normal company :tiptoe: ehhh? anyone ever feel that way? I use 464 if it makes a difference in your opinion. I hear such great things, and I've never tried them. ~Holly
  10. Ive never done 16oz tins but what about in Eco 12?
  11. I just poured Dragons Blood in a Hunter Green and am really loving it. Also, Hansel and Gretel in Ivory....cant WAIT to burn theses babies!
  12. These candles are burning a hole in my pocket.... The first batch that I made...I did an initial burn (of one of the 2 poured). Wasn't happy with the HT. So I put a cap on my excitement....and let it sit, re-lit, and got better HT. Let it sit for a bit longer, and got even better HT...you catch my drift. SO...how long do you let your soy candles cure before test burning? I'm so anxious to test some of the other scents that I've recently poured, but I know, the longer I wait the better. My heart (or should I say my nose) is getting a head of my brain. Thanks~ ♥ Holly
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