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Posts posted by JanetsCandles

  1. Would it be possible to get a list going up here as a sticky maybe that lets us submit a fragrance oil and if we've found anything that's the same at another supplier to mention that? For example:

    Macintosh Apple- found at Peak's, Bitter Creek North

    I just randomly thought about this since so many people have been talking about other suppliers going out of business or dropping certain lines. It might be helpful for all of us. Just a thought. :tiptoe:

  2. It smells heavenly out of bottle, but after my first test pour here, I am so not impressed. Started at 6% (Standard usage for this wax for me, most times I have to increase as a matter of fact) and the stuff seeped out. Ok. No big deal. Remelt, add more wax to make it 3%, repour. Did it again, and you can barely smell a cold throw from the finished wax. I am not a happy camper. Plan to be writing a letter tomorrow. But I doubt seriously that I'll be using this one again. Wax is IGI 1267, Vybar has been used and colorant. I've used the same exact formula I don't know how many other times but changed out the FO. UGH!:mad:

  3. Another thing I've seen, depending on a couple of conditions, you might be pouring them too fast even. I know if I'm not paying attention and just dump the wax into the mold, it gets bubbles a lot easier.

  4. In certain areas of the country it's supposed to be illegal to charge extra for shipping. There are a couple ways to skirt that. It's illegal for example to charge $20.00 for shipping if you are using a postal service medium flat rate box for domestic shipping. But that doesn't mean that the companies still don't try it. It is acceptable to charge shipping plus packing materials costs in some areas. But seriously that much of an upcharge? Yeah... I don't think I'd be willing to mess with a company like that.

  5. They cured beautifully, I've test burned and throw well too. The pumpkin souffle/caramel/vanilla was yummy. The blend works well together, IMO. I'll see how it does at the sale next week. Naming it "Praline Pumpkin Surprise"

  6. If they think that's ok, tell them that you want to speak to a manager or the owner of the business. That sort of thing flat shouldn't be happening and too many candle suppliers are in bad straights just now without screwing their customers over.

    As for what kind of taper molds, I'd check into getting the 2 part taper molds that are held together with a clip. I know Yaley carries them, I've used them on beeswax without problems. You will have to trim the parting line, but it'll be easier to release than those. Although you might have better luck than I did too. If you purchased directly from their site, you should be able to get some results. If not, first step I think would be going to the better business bureau. Try getting a higher up at the company first though if possible.

  7. Hmmm... I have used several different brands of plumber's putty and none of them have been slimy.

    We had some from Home Depot that we recently purchased. It didn't hold by itself, so my husband put some of the older mold putty (actual candle style stuff) around the hole, then covered it with the plumber's putty. When I pulled it off, seems there was some sort of reaction between the two types and it was naaaaasty! Slimy like snot. Ew.

  8. Two things: I have purchased those before and had nothing like what you're showing on yours, I'd be griping at the company. Second thing, that style of taper mold drives me about bananas. I hated using the blasted things. Had nothing but problems trying to demold the frigging candles, even with mold spray and refrigeration. Hope you have better luck!

  9. Peak gets their stuff from French Color, from my understanding. The manufacturer recommends a max of 0.2% of their colorant or it will give major burn problems. But 0.2% is something like 28 drops? I know that the one brown I got from Peak is a very light color, if I want something darker, I have to use a different colorant. So yeah, that seems possible.

  10. Word to the wise: When making them thicker, don't let them cool down too much before removing them from the cookie cutter. Made one last year in a Fleur-De-Lis shape for some N.O. Saints fans and jeez. Let it cool way too long and ended up destroying my cookie cutter. I was not a happy camper.

  11. I've had awesome success in blending Cedar and Macintosh Apple for a harvest type scent. I'm also trying a blend of Caramel/Pumpkin Souffle/Vanilla tomorrow. The blend test smelled awesome, trying to see how it works in wax itself. I've got another couple ideas but haven't started the testing on them yet.

  12. Nope, not in my experience. Although that depends on the type of colorant you're using. I had some problems when I was starting out with using the dye blocks, too much would cause burn problems. Switched my colorant and was OK after that. I can say that color does not effect burn in unscented candles unless you use dramatically more than the recommended levels (like Scented pointed out). Are you using the same fragrance in both colors? Same level of usage? Same wax type?

  13. I have started using one of those medicine syringes for that. I have bubble problems on the top of the hex jars too. I suction the bubbles out with an eye dropper thingy that I had from the kids' medicine. It worked. Talk about weird uses for things...

    As for the batches being cursed, nope. But I think I am quite frequently. I'm covered in wax, scent and paint today. It was one of those days that my husband got to cook because I think I would have burnt cold cereal...

  14. I use the same method, but with wooden skewers rubber banded together, paper towel in the middle and wrapped around the outside. Also I end up using paper towels around an old bottle brush as well. It flexes to get into the corners easier on the weird shaped molds.

  15. Another thought: What about cutting your slabs with the embeds in them, like you would with the base candle anyway, but then fitting them inside a mold of the same size, then pour into the center, let it skin off, heat gun it for a few seconds on each side to make it smooth on the edges and then skin off again and pour out? It would make the sides a touch thicker, but wouldn't that make it pretty well seamless, while still giving the embed effect? A lot more work in steps, but I've dealt with trying to glue pieces like that together. A very very messy project, and more stressful to me than it's worth.

  16. I would say Peak as well, they've got probably one of the best knowledgebases I've seen. And a group directly in charge of technical support. They don't know everything (I've asked a couple things they didn't have answers to) but they're some of the best I've come in contact with. Another thought is to see if you can get information directly from the group that makes Vybar, Baker-Hughes. http://www.bakerhughes.com/products-and-services/other-chemical-services/specialty-polymers/candles That might give you some extra resources.

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