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Posts posted by JanetsCandles

  1. Has anyone seen a mold for a 24 inch tall taper candle? I make a lot of my own molds, but size in this case could be a huge issue. I can do a pillar with that height, but my lathe won't let me go above 18 inches to make a taper. Anyone have any suggestions or know where I might find one?

    I have seen the actual candles from a couple places, but I'd rather not work with that if at all possible.

  2. Honestly, the answer is both of them. The wax itself isn't the only factor by any means (which you already know). Some scents are much stronger than others, and need less FO added to the wax for good throw, the wick has some to do with it. So does your burning conditions. So all I can tell you is to test both and see which you prefer for your own system. I've seen chandlers with straight paraffin that have better throw than folks with soy, and I've also seen the reverse. I've also seen two people using the same exact wax have horrible throw on one, but not the other. *shrug* It all boils down to which you prefer, and how they react to your system.

  3. I'm wondering how well it will work. The sugar is likely to be through the roof. What about making your own chocolate milk from cocoa powder and a controlled amount of sugar in a regular organic milk? That way you could control the amounts a bit easier.

    I've got some aloe vera oil that I'm wondering how well it would work in soaps myself. Can't find it directly on soap calc, so a little leery of just dumping it in.

  4. You could always get a portable AC unit. I know Sam's Club and Lowe's both carry them. All you have to have is a small vent to the outside, about the size of a dryer vent hole. That's what we have in our garage for my shop, it works decently except on the very hottest days, but still makes it tolerable.

  5. I have dedicated the work bench in the garage to a heating/pouring station. I let the candles skin off enough that they won't slosh and then bring them in the house to cool off. I have my living room as a storage facility, and my kitchen serves as a soaping area. Sometimes I have to use the table for cooling. I also have a wicking station set up on a plastic table just behind my computers here in the "Other" room. I posted a picture of my garage workspace the other day (when it was so darn hot) but haven't taken pictures of the other areas, mostly because I don't seem to stop long enough to de-clutter everything.

  6. So this week I was working with some yogurt soap, used BB's Energy fragrance in it. I made my own mold, too. But apparently there was a touch of a learning curve :D Anyway, I was finally able to demold the bars (I really overfilled it, oops). I was worried about it because was trying a swirl and had nearly instant trace. It wasn't pretty. But I'm amazed at how well it turned out anyway.


    Instead of having mini loaf bars, I cut them in half. It worked out.


  7. I'm working with a big slab mold with dividers that you put in while the soap is still wet. The bars are set on the top, but taking the liner (plastic) off is showing me that it's still quite damp lower in the bar. Is this normal, or did I somehow screw up? And if I didn't screw up, is there an easier way to get the liner off where I don't pull the soaps into weird shapes?

  8. I break up a full case at a time usually, and store it all in a big storage container with a lid. Then weigh it out and keep a stock in my presto pot, where I add my vybar and stuff. I then pour it out into my pans, then color and scent it, depending on what type I'm doing. Seems to be the quickest way for us at the moment.

  9. What percentage of water do you guys use in your CP? And a stupid question. I am assuming that increasing your water % will make the recipe move slower. I was just thinking about the Soap Calc thing and wondering why they have default at 38% water. Thinking of playing around with the water % to see if I can get it more fluid to get better at swirling. What do you guys think? Am I on the right track to do that?

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