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Posts posted by annareeb

  1. when you buy in most crafts stores you are gonna have limited quanity and quality and usually pay retail.. you are much better off buying wholesale on internet.. check out the community links page on this site for some suppliers

    the type of wax will vary the price, i buy the type i most use for about 55.00 USD for 55 lbs (1$ a lb) .. whats that about 25 KG?( i suck at metric) the price does go down when you buy in bulk.. when I buy a smaller 11 lb sample of wax I pay about 1.26 per lb

  2. it was just on top... like I said beforethough.. it disappeared after cooling..so its all good.

    I used cocoa powder in a cp batch. Its called chocolate macaroon - or course with chocolate and coconut fo. It turned out good. It has some air bubbles that are easier to see because of how dark it is but it's not frothy looking. Maybe your froth is just soda ash, maybe the cocoa didn't get blended thoroughly, or it could be just air bubbles. Is the froth on the top or throughout the entire bar?

  3. Oh dear, choosing candle-making for a semester business was probably not the best pick. It's only when one starts making & testing candles that they come to realize that there's a WHOLE lot more to it than just melting wax, pouring it into a container or mold (& then demolding it), popping in a wick, & then burning it.

    So, let's back up the candle-making truck & get a better idea of the supplies you have on hand.

    What kind of wax are you using? Where did you buy it? Are you wanting to make container candles, which require a softer wax, or pillars, which require a medium hard wax? Really, when we talk about wax, one of the more important details is knowing its melt point. Container waxes have a melt point around 123*f, pillar waxes have melt points in the 140's. Generally speaking of course. There are some higher melt point waxes, but let's not go there just yet.

    Are you using any kind of color? If so what type? Where did you buy it?

    Same for fragrance oils (fo's) & wicks.

    I quite agree with the other two posts about doing the research by reading every sticky thread. Considering my young'un just turned 15, I can kinda imagine where your head is.
    Let's see if we can get you smarted up quickly.

    Cute container. What's it's size? What is the diameter at the top? at the bottom? That's very important info for figuring out where to start w/ your wick.

    well said.. I am 36 years old and it took me a good year to make what I consider retail quality candles..

    your sinking in the middle is could either due to the kind of wax you used.. it wasnt a "one pour" kind, and you would need to overpour, or the wax temp was wrong...

  4. you need to go to the candle tutorial pages... and read read read...

    Hiya, im 15 years old and for my business studies courseword i must open and run a business selling items and making a profit, so i chose to sell candles along with 3 other people.

    Whats annoying me is i bought some parafin wax blobs and melted them down in this lovely tin , i put the wick in and everything but.....

    When the wax cooled the wax sort of sunk at the top

    And when i tested it the candle went out after about 1 minute

    Ive spent alot of money buying all the equipment needed and everything keeps going wrong, does anyone have any ideas why this is happening to me ?

    Thank you very much

  5. sadly in my case it is OCD.. I am not as bad as, say like, MONK, thankfully:laugh2:

    lol. My daughter & best friend swear I'm OCD, but I know I'm not since washing my hands repetitively is not a condition of saving the world.
    Honestly, I don't know that it's a matter of OCD as it is there's only one way to find out if you're getting the best product available, & it's the way you're doing it!

  6. I dont have any experience with that one.. I suppose it wouldnt hurt it in anyway.. the preservative is optional... i add it as its for kids.. and they are grimy and dirty and germ ridden.. I have 4 soo every little bit of protection helps..:laugh2: . I have made it W/O preservitive.. and had no issues with molding or anything like that..

    of the Germaben? That's the only preservative I have.



  7. I think ages 3 and up...

    I would think either side would be fine to label.. you have a 3 D soap, so they will still have one side with an unobstructed view...just MHO

    ...any ideas on labeling it?? I had planned to use the same kind of labels I use for my clamshell melts but I can't decide which is the "right" side of this soap. Some of them look better on one side and some on the other so I really hate to put a label over either side.

    Do you think a hang tag would look goofy tied through the hole in the clamshell?

    Another question about the label--what age children do you think would be OK with these? They have small fish and plastic "grass" so I was thinking putting "not recommended for children under age 3," but is 3 old enough?



  8. kids bath jelly recipe

    1cup melted clear MP base

    4 cups water

    2 envelopes Knox unflavored Gelatin

    1 oz germabenII

    Fragrance oil

    3 or 4 skin safe dyes

    3 or 4 small containers

    Pour envelopes of Gelatin into a bowl and set aside. Microwave 4 cups of water until boiling. Gently pour into the bowl of gelatin and stir until completely dissolved. In the meantime melt the M&P in the microwave. Add fragrance oil to the melted M&P. Slowly pour the soap into the Gelatin and stir gently. When mixed thoroughly, pour into individual containers and color. Place uncovered containers in the refrigerator until firm.

    we use the new gladware tumblers with lids to put this in...

  9. One of my all time fav christmas scents is Cozy christmas from WSP.. I cant even describe it, it doesnt have ONE obvious scent.. its a great blend.. and does smell homey and xmasssy.. they describe it as Blend of Nutmeg, Rum, Cinnamon, Ginger, Chocolate.

    can you describe red clove to me. . . i have been ordering samples of Christmas scents and so far, I am not impressed. For Christmas people usually want something piney and cinnamony and will know your socks off - havent' found it yet -

  10. I just made some cucumber and green tea soap, Since I am fairly new at soap making.. for now I am using a preservative, 1% germaben.. I have not used any whole foods, usually extracts, oils and dried, though i did use fresh cucumber peel in my soap for the attractiveness of it in the sopa inself...

    you can use regualr old liquid food coloring in soap, its safe, you wont have a humongous broad range of color.. but it works great when you are just starting out an not wanting to invest a lot..i never had an mixing issues or weeping ,bleeding with it.
    to soap.. does it ever go bad? I've read of the cukes and carrots, is anything else used? I assume it is mainly for color.. do you get fragrance from this stuff? I got a garden full of excess, would be neat to use them in soap. Got every thing together and will try cp tomorrow!! Can you use candle coloring in this kind of soap or do you need something different?

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