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  1. Here are the links I mentioned. Hopefully they will help someone. I've never heard anything but good about both places. Ladysj this one is in Arkansas so should have the cheapest shipping for you. http://www.candlesandwoodcrafts.com/ This one is the manufacturer of the famous "tank" soap cutter. http://www.forcraftssake.com/
  2. Thank you Carol! I thought I'd better come apologize. It seems our front page got reopened recently by mistake and we found the back pages had never been closed. A few links of those were still floating around and then shared on several different sites. I think we have them all closed now. I'd love to still be offering the crates. DH and our son milled all the wood themselves keeping the cost down. Several factors contributed to closing the crate business including timber being much harder to find and more expensive along with my own candle and soap business becoming more demanding. Increased shipping was probably the biggest factor. They were very bulky to ship and shipping usually amounted to more than the cost of the crates. Believe it or not, I don't have a single crate or display left myself. If DH ever retires, we may start back up but no time soon. Thank you to everyone who bought from us and once again I apologize. My yahoo email addy is still in use and I've replied to any inquiries I've gotten but I haven't accessed the web site addy in years. Connie I'm sorry you didn't get my reply but congrats on doing it yourself...always a great feeling! There are many good crates manufacturers out there and another right here in my own state and she may be a member here. If I can find her addy I'll come back and post it.
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