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Posts posted by Lumina

  1. This is my PT job but I do have plans in the works to make this FT. I mostly sell my candles and incense at a local Farmer's Market and will be attending a few crat shows. It's hard down here in Florida, it seems as if most people don't really care for Handcrafted items. I have been doing this for 2 1/2 years now. Yes I'm selling more than I was before and added new items. I learn a lot from this chat room and have tried some of the ideas. I know I have a ways to go yet, but am enjoying myself. I guess that is half the battle to enjoy this while I bring in some money. I have a website, but only a few orders ever came in through it. Not sure why. If anyone would like to check out my website and let me know what you think. I would really appreaciate it.




  2. Here are some of the impressions I get when I see your logo: You have a great heart, a sense of fun, are a spiritual company, are honest and trustworthy and your products will be of good quality. HTH. Mozzie

    Thank you.. that is so sweet. I hope I am all of those things and work towards that.

  3. Hi there. Maybe it's just me, but it looks like a bunch of wasted space in the bottom half. I like the colors though.

    Sorry, hate to be the one that is negative. :(

    Not a problem. actually that is where I will list the scent of the candle or Incense. Sorry should have posted one of those first.

    Thanks for the comment

  4. I would be so in on this. It sounds like great fun and all the creativity is amazing on this board. However, not ever having any logos designed before, I am kind of wondering what the price range could be. If anyone would like to pm me with your price range I would really appreciate it. I would love to get in the contest lineup as long as I know I would be able to afford it.

    Same here. If I could get some PM's so I know what the going rate is. I really need a logo.



  5. I use a different approach for incense. I make powder incense and mix the herbs with Makko powder, that makes it combustible. No chemecials needed. I put them in capsules to make them portable. It's very popular and they sell very well. I market them as all natural and people really like that idea.

    I make up my own recipies and have fun doing it. I use different colors for the capsules and that seems to grab people's attention.


  6. I try to have just enough too - but I always seem to have a bit left over (or usually not enough)! I've done the foil thing too (I think wax paper would melt, but would assume parchment paper wouldn't). Lately I've been using small (they only hold a few ounces) paper cups too - those wax lined ones you see sold - I double them just in case. I've not had any issues with them holding wax poured at around 170. I used them to do layered rustics too when I know later in the process I will want to use the same exact color of wax for a layer further down in the pillar. Its easy to just peel away the paper and pop it back in the pot to melt again.

    I use muffin pans to pour extra wax into .. they just pop right out.


  7. Where is a good source for reasonably priced embed molds?

    They also have great molds at Yaley. I bought their chuck mold and they are great, it saves me a lot of time and I can pour several different FO at one time.

    111252 Candle Chunk Mold Set - 4 trays included (18 - 1" x 1" cavities per tray) $5.00


  8. Yep they get seams, but like anything, seams can be trimmed well ;) I've used a lot of their plastic molds and their metal molds. Used to sit around and sniff their amber FO too lol.

    I have quiet of few of their molds and really like them. Yes the seam is a pain..but it's worth it. They metal molds are great too.


  9. Very nice Cindy!

    Your floaters look so glossy, is it the wax or did you spray them? Love em!:smiley2:

    I hate to say this.. but not sure what I did. It might be the mold doing it. This is some old wax I had sitting in a pouring pot... I didn't even like the smell, I just wanted to see what it would look like. I'm sure I had some vybar in it too.

    Yes I will trim the wicks before I burn them, I made a few more and gave them to some people to test burn for me too, so I can get other views.

    Thanks everyone for looking

  10. One suggestion, artistically speaking, the plaid undercloth pulled my focus away from the candles. Maybe it's the picture set up? But you don't want something that will stand out and detract from the candles.

    Plain would be better, I think.

    You could be right. I have several different types of napkins that I use. I'll take a few more pictures with the plain ones to see the difference. Thanks for pointint that out to me.


  11. I love all your candles! I love the star ones on the left. Is the one corner of the star stretching out further than the others? If so, where did you get that mold?? I've been trying to find one like that forever!

    It's called a shooting star. I'm pretty sure I picked the mold up at Pourette.

  12. It wasn't bad. I think I have a good day when I make over $40. I know it doesn't seem like much, for 6 hrs in the heat. I still try to think of it as marketing. Trying to put myself out there. I have a long range plan in my mind and on paper. It may take me a few years but I want to be a full time candle maker. Thank you everyone for looking and giving me some great feedback.


  13. I buy my wax from One Stop Candle, because I like the convience of the wax pellets. I use 140 Melt Point Paraffin. It is a lot easier for me than breaking up all the slabs.

    If anyone knows of another place that sells the pellets I would be more than happy to check it out.

    I like the palm wax from Candlewic and the soy, from Millcreek soy.

    Just my thoughts.

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