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Everything posted by volleypc

  1. I decided to try my hand at salt bars this morning, but I think I may have a problem. The first bach I made sat in the crock pot for a long time and I couldn't really tell if it was ready. It was pretty clumby and never really got the applesauce look to it. I put it in the mold anyway but thought I had messed it up. I had seen where other people reach trace and then put it in a wooden mold and leave it in the oven on 170 degrees for 90 mins. So the second bach I brought to trace, put into the mold, and placed it in the preheated oven for 90 mins. The problem is I just tried to zap test it and it has a strange sensation. I thought maybe it was the salt so I checked the other batch and even though it had the salty taste..it didnt really have the same sensation. It wasn't the zap sting like a 9 volt battery but it still seemed to have a sting to it. This is the recipe I used for both batches. Olive Oil 3 Coconut Oil 26.5 Castor Oil 2 Salt 25 Water 10.3 Lye 4.9 I do not have ph strips. Is there anything else I can do to tell if these bars are going to be any good? I was able to somewhat pour it into the molds (with a little help) so maybe it hadn't thickened up enough (althought I thought it had). Anything I can do to save these bars?
  2. I have tried to find a heat gun at walmart and could not find one Were they in the crafts section?
  3. I would also add that birch is considerably more flammable than most barks. I hiked the Appalachian Trail last year and when it was wet we all looked for birch bark because it and the dead/lower limbs on pine trees were the only things that would get a fire going. If for some reason you do attempt this, I would definetely not use birch.
  4. Jane, thanks for the reply. I found them on the link posted. I sent them an email today and they were helpful. One thing they did not answer, I was trying to find out if they were a storefront or if it was for pickup only. I would love to visit, walk around, and check out their inventory. I am going to call them tomorrow. I am in Baldwyn MS by the way.. thats about 10 miles north of Tupelo. Good luck against Texas lol.
  5. Hi, I am wondering if anyone has a list of candle making suppliers? I live in Northeast Mississippi and trying to find a place I can pick up my wax instead of having it shipped. If anyone has a list they can share or if they know of somewhere within a couple of hours drive, please let me know. Thanks for your help.
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