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Posts posted by pixie

  1. I have a two scents that are hard to mix. The FO just doesn't seem to want to bind to the wax. I have tried mixing longer than usual and that does help somewhat. Based on the advice from another post on this forum, I would like to try to warm the FO prior to adding it to the wax.

    How exactly should I do this? Obviously I dont want to heat it so high the fo will burn off but I do want to heat it high enough that it blends more easily with my wax. For those of you that are experienced with this, what do you suggest? Should I microwave it, set it on a hot plate, or maybe put it over a pot of warm water?

  2. A weird thing happened to my lye solution today. It got all crusty and reminded me of how snow is sometimes when it has a layer of crust on top. Below the crusty layer, the solution turned into a very thick gel.

    The only thing different that I did was used all aloe this time instead of water (I usually use all water) in the lye. Would the aloe cause this?? I have used a half aloe half water solution in the past but it was fine, didnt turn all weird like this time. Has anyone had this happen to them before? I've been making soap for quite a few years but this is the first time the lye turned like this.

  3. Hey guys,

    I was flipping through Etsy lately and I came across this


    Anyone know what kind of paper that is wrapped around the candle? I thought maybe just modge podge some kraft paper on but I dont think you would get the glow of the candle through it like it shows in the pictures. Do you think maybe its a kraft colored tissue paper? Any other ideas?

  4. Well I did my first craft fair today and I just feel like crying and eating a large pizza all by myself. It was so bad. I have social anxiety disorder...I hate it. It has stopped me from doing so many things in my life. I have gotten treatment for it and I'm somewhat better now (at one point I was unable to leave my house, but I can do that fine now).

    I really, really wanted to do well and sell my soaps at our towns farmers market. Even though I knew it would cause me anxiety I thought I could tough it out and maybe do okay. After I got every thing set up, my display, my canopy ect. ect. I was only able to stay an hour an a half before the stupid familiar paralyzing fear and anxiety started to take over. I pretty much bolted out of there and just left. The market organizer wasnt very happy about me leaving right away. I couldn't help it. I jut had to go.

    So I wont be doing anymore markets or shows, ect. , but I dont want to give up on my hope of one day actually making a little profit from my soap making.

    Does anyone here have a thriving business strictly through the internet? If so, how do you market your products? I am going to try etsy and ebay and see how that goes but holy cow, there is a ton of soap on those sites! Does anyone have a facebook business page and if so do you find it very helpful in attracting new customers?


  5. I would suggest buying some and testing for yourself because everyone will have different results based on the wax, container, and wick used. Also ...what might be the best to someone will be different than someone else...scent is so subjective. Personally, I've always had good luck with any kind of peppermint essential oil, its usually very strong. So maybe start out with that. I've not used any other essential oils for candle making as I find them too expensive. Good luck in your search.

  6. So I got the application for my first farmers market. I am excited at the prospect of selling my soap for the first time but am a little worried. There are about 25 vendors at this market and they already have one soaper. The market organizer seems okay with it but I wanted to ask you experienced market vendors...is two soapers in a 25 vendor market okay or is two one too many?

  7. So I just got my application to sell at my first farmers market. In the application it says that a sales tax number must be displayed if applicable.

    Is a sales tax number applicable to selling handmade soap? I know I will need to call the state to find out for sure but I thought I would ask here as well.

    In the state of Illinois, do I need a sales tax number to sell soap at a farmers market?

    Thanks all


  8. I was thinking of soaping wholesale supplies plus "Black Raspberry Vanilla". Has anyone soaped this? Will it discolor cp soap? The description at wsp doesnt say if it discolors or not but it does say it does not contain any actual vanilla so maybe I can soap this without vanilla stabalizer? Anyone know for sure?

  9. I love the lavender and chamomile body wash from johnson and johnson. It is slightly sweet, with a touch of vanilla and very relaxing.

    Anyone know of a FO that is similar?

    I know brambleberry has one but its listed at a "huggies type". I've never smelled that before and am not sure if it would be like the j&j one or not.


  10. I am planing on making a 3lb loaf of cp soap soon and will be using peppermint EO (from michaels) to scent it. I've never used EO before and am unsure how much to add. What do all you EO users recommend for a 3lb loaf?



  11. Great news Suzy! Glad the testing is going so well. I have actually tried the same blend you are using and while my tarts threw awesome in a tea light burner, I find they dont throw well at all in either a scentsy warmer or the better home and garden warmers from walmart.

    I've looked at both of these warmers and they both use a 25watt bulb so I can only assume that these warmers are just not getting hot enough.

    What kind of warmer are you using and at what temp are you adding the fo, if you dont mind me asking?

    I am using 1.5fo per lb and have tried adding it to the wax at both 180 degrees and 150 degrees.

    I love how this blend throws in the tea light warmers ...just wish I could get it to throw in the other warmers too.

  12. I know tarts are supposed to easily pop out of the mold but are they also supposed to pop outta the warmer??

    And if so, do scentsy tarts pop outta the warmer easily as well? I thought I read on the scentsy site that in order to replace the tart, you have to pour the warm oil out then wipe with a paper towel?

    The reason I ask, is Ive never used any other tarts except my own and while they pop outta the mold fine, I can never get them to pop outta the warmer and Im wondering if this is how they are supposed to be or if I need to use a different wax. Atm I am using 4627 (very soft, i know) with ecosoya pb.

  13. Personally, I have never gotten wrapped up in whole soy vs. paraffin thing. I just dont have the time or the energy. I make what I like. period. If someone doesn't care for what Im offering, then pls move along and go somewhere else.

    Ive had someone bash me for making palm candles, saying how palm harvesting is destroying the rain forest. Pooey on them. I love palm candles and will continue to make them because they appeal to me


    Personally I think paraffin is a environmentally better choice than soy. Paraffin is a wonderful way to recycle a byproduct that is already there. I see the soy industry as a modern day gestapo and I think this whole "helping the american farmer" is such a farce and load of BS. If anything, the soy industry bullies and strong-arms the american farmer. But I still make soy candles. Why? Because I prefer the way they smell over paraffin ones and I will continue to make soy candles as long as they are pleasing to me.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, make what you are passionate about. You will find plenty of people that like the same thing you like. Dont put your energy into trying to please everyone, it just aint gonna happen.

  14. I would like to try my hand at making tarts with Ecosoya pb tart wax (as I can get it locally) but am a bit confused because of the conflicting information regarding this wax.

    This is the info CS has posted for ecosoya pb wax:

    Max FO load: 6%

    Melt point: 128 degrees

    And here is the info the Ecosoya website (NGI) has posted for the same wax:

    Max FO load: 12%

    Melt point: 130 degrees

    hmmm, so which is it? I am inclined to go by the recommendations of Ecosoya since they are the makers of this wax but I love CS and have always had really good luck following all their recommendations.

    For those of you that use the pb tart wax, can you tell me what you think the max fo load is for this wax and the melt point?

    Thanks guys.

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