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Posts posted by Nanasnecessities

  1. I sell a ton of the jackel, they melt my tarts just fine. Maybe you should try one and see if they melt your tart?

    If they don't melt somebody else's tart, that just means more slaes for me. I have never had somebody tell me they didn't melt a tart and nobody has brought any back for it.

    I traded information to get the link to buy these warmers and it has worked for me, I have been selling them pretty well. I do sell a lot more of the crystal, but that is prolly cause they are cheaper and you can adjust the heat.

    People also seem to like the kind with the lightbulb, since you can put in a new light bulb, but when the warmer plate goes out you are done.

    I have had seceral retunred to me for not working and they are slower than snot to get them to you. It takes like 5 days to get the order packed.

    They are good about taking care of the broken, non working ones though. They are not always out like some of the other warmer companies either.

  2. I wouldn't if I were you.

    I have ordered and got mine just fine, but a while back on tsr there were a couple of people who never got their orders. They tried calling and emailng, heck I even called them and emailed for them, but they never replied or gave their money back. It seems the owner was in the hospital.

    They send in glass bottles and the scents were really nice, but you can find the scents they have at other places. the shipping was a little higher than normal also. The scenst I got were okay, but not something I would go through the hassle for again.

  3. I would love to be able to do that, but they don't scan them when they picl them up.


    I drive mine to a different town now that I have the warehouse, but I really liked my little post office, no lines and excellant service.

    I find I have a high "never received" if my packages are not scanned in. When I moved I took them to the local office, but they didn't scan them and I had a real mess on my hnads. Now I drive the extra and get them scanned. If you don't get them scanned in and the person delivering them doesn't scan them, they can say they never got them. Heck if they didn't and you have to wait for the package to come back to you, it takes forever!

  4. I personally don't care for the consistancy of crockpot soap. But maybe I am just set in my ways. If you are organized enough, you can do it regular on the stove. Just get stuff moving once you are over halfway to your temp, make it naptime.

    I use a stick blender to belnd and usually only have to stir for 10 minutes. You could have it poured and done before they get up.

    When my kids were little, I just waited until later in the evening. I have also did it in the morning and poured while they were eating lunch, they have to be old enough to actually eat though, I couldn't get away with this with the grandgirls, right now. :)

  5. I use tallow and pure tallow is hard as a rock. I wouldn't run that soft stuff through as tallow, unless I used a really hard other fat.

    I have been making soap for 23 years, and have used mostly tallow. The newer oils that are available now are nice, though. Can't say I had near as many choices then as I do now. It must be hard to learn soapmaking now, there are just so many choices.

  6. I think they were on a strip in the chip aisle. They are small and run on batteries. I have never used them for sealing shrink bags, just chips. :)

    I have used my seal a meal before when I was desperate. It works okay, but it takes longer and you have to make sure your stuff is out of the way or it won't close enough. Mine tries to automatically suck air. Drives me crazy.

  7. Have you tried the little hand held one they have at wally's?

    They are like 5 bucks, look like a large staple remover...

    I use an impulse sealer, but have used my seal a meal when I broke the wire and was waiting on a new shipment. Much slower in my opinion, plus you have that large squish thing going on.

  8. I buy the dollar store measuring spoons in bulk and put them in anything I might have to measure.

    I buy the large glass measuring cups for wax repours.

    had my fingers crossed you would meantion something about peanuts. I have box after box of peanuts! I even burned some. The post office won't take them anymore. :( Stupid things are everywhere.

    I love my magnetic knife holder to hold all my metal stuff up front and handy.

    All wax scrappings go into a warmer. I use this wax to try new things with molds. Once I see if what I wanted to make works, I dump it back into the warmer. when it is full I pour into molds and use wick clippings for fire starters.

    I see both sides of the jar issue. I use square masons, any some ladies tell me they will clean them and can with them. BUT when I used to buy candles I did look at the cool jars. I hate to throw anything away.

    I buy canning jars to store stuff in so I can see what is in them.

    Oh and my latest? I am using dog tie ups for susspending my ribbons from the ceiling works great.

    Also I bought the cheapo tape dispenser, tore it apart and mounted it to the side of my packaging center. Now I have a dispense for 2 inch wde tape that never falls to the floor, and I don't have to take both hands off of anything to get a single piece of tape.

  9. My accountant has me keep anything I buy over 100 dollars (office stuff or whatever) in a depreciatable file. I include my molds in here. They depreciate over so many years, you pay different on these and they do not count in your sales income.

    The reason you want to do this is because this is what banks and other places look at in "your books" when you need a loan, or want to show how your business is doing.

    She says anything over 100 bucks is the norm.

    I try to spend 100 when I buy anything that I don't put into the product.

    If you can, I would check into having your taxes done. It is so worth it. they know deductibles and stuff that you would miss. It may be worth it to do your own if you are not a business, but if you have a business it is they way to go. It makes shwoing your books look so much better. Mine saves me tons every year, I paid my tax lady 65 dollars the first couple of years, but have grown to much and now need her more than once a year. If you look around you may be able to find somebody very reasonable. Mine tax lady is now my accountant and it is such a relief to not have to worry if I am filing things right, or whatever. She also tells me if I can afford to hire another person and that I should spend so much money before the end of the year or I will have made to much. :) I like that part the most. She knows what the red flags are and such so you don't get audited, too.

  10. You have to list exactly what you are selling. No choices. They didn't catch you, somebody turned you in. Ebay does not police auctions. They let their people do that. More than likely you have competition and they turned you in. I used to list soap and offer if they wanted more bars to email me and I would list the amount for them. KAbam.. not allowed. You are not allowed to list choice of colors, scents etc.

    Ebay sellers list the high shipping so they can have the lowest price on the item selling. A lot of people do not check shipping first, they just buy the cheapest one. Check out books for a penney. This is supposed to be against ebay policy, but so many do it. .01 means only a 25 cent listing. Final value is a joke and then they charge 5-10 bucks shipping.

    As far as you rfees and ebay missing you. Forget it, they really don't care, they figure you will be back. They have all the customers....

    It helps if you figure it as advertising and use auctions to direct traffic to your site. You can't say I have other oils here or direct to a page that has things being sold, but you can indirectly send customers your way.

    The ebay store is a nice way to go. It is 15 a month, but they rack you on the final value (8%) to make up for not paying a huge listing fee.

    The whole things and the fess are tax deductible of course.

    I pay between 500-800 a month. They don't care when I have trouble and have even had them do an upgrade that locked me out of my own auctions. I have between 1500-1800 auctions at any given time. I depend on them for my health insurance and I consider them great advertising.

    Websites are very cheap, but you almost have to use ebay to increase your traffic or you must be very well known on the net.

    Oh, one other thing, my accountant says if I only used ebay I would most likely get audited. It seems the governement figures you are cheating them somehow if you are ecommerce only. I manitain a shop and a warehouse (new), but will continue with ebay, as it gets me the most exposure for my money.

    If you would like some tips on how to incorporate your site into your auction pm me and I will try to help.

    I use a nice easy website with store builder, it is $7 a month and hase real time shipping with 300 megs.

  11. I sell on ebay and had tons of emails daily asking why I wouldn't ship. I was spening hours tracking down when I shipped etc... I called the local post office, then their boss and so on. Finally I started taking copies of all the emails I got daily to the post office and having them look them up. I explained what was going on...It took over a year and a half, but my little post office nows scans in every one of my packages.

    If i go to one of the larger towns they automatically scan, The larger town, they give you sh__ but they will scan.

    I hate to say this but what finally worked for me was underpay.

    I deliberately under paid on every package. I went to the post office everyday just before closing. They had to scan in since I was under paid and then charge me a few cents. A couple of days of this and the manager took me aside and explained that I would was keeping people over and it was costing money. I said my time is just as valuable and this is the only way I can assure that my packages are scanned. I also told them I would continue to do it as this way was only taking up an hour of my day and without the tracking I was spending 2-4 hours answering emails. It worked and now I can once again drive down to my tuiny post office and they scan every package.

    imo, if they are going to have a message that says it was made and was expected then they should scan so that is says it was dropped off. If they just had a message that says the label was made that would be different.

    As far as the packages saying anything else, that is usually a bad sign. They do not unload and scan every package every night or new place it is left for pickup like ups and I wouldn't expect them to do that, However I think they should scan them in and scan them when they arrive.

    I have also had customers tell me that items were delievred, but they don't have them and the po has been able to find out who scanned them in. That is a nice option.

    So raise a little heckola and you will get them scanned in, it might take some drastic measures though.

  12. Grate it and put it in your crock pot (get at goodwill) pour in 2 cups of water. This is for a full crock pot regular sized.

    melt on low for a few hours, scoopy out and remold. DO NOT clean your crock pot. Refill it wilh water. (no more than cups) leave over night. I use this slimey stuff for laundry and shower gel. Just for my personal use of cours, but it works great.

  13. Quote:

    Originally Posted by Nanasnecessities

    pay with your visa though, they are lazy about refunding your first payment!

    What did you mean by that? Do they tend to overcharge or something?

    When you use your debit card, they take out the money right away. Then after they "adjust" the shipping, they charge your card again. Most companies return the first money and then recharge, not papermart, they take the money out twice. The sale actually says "pending". If they do not claim it or whatever in 10 days you get the money back. So if you buy 100 from papermart, they will charge your account 100, them when they ship they will charge you 99 (or whatever) then in a few more days or a week, paypal will put the first payment back into your account.

    Now if you use your visa, not a debit, you will never see this on your card. I guess a pending does not affect it the same way. All I know is they will not go in and take the first one off, so if you have to order from them and pay through paypal, keep in mind they will be taking double your money for at least a week!

    Just yanks my chain, they are the only ones I have caught at this so far, but they do it everytime, they also do not bother to answer your complaints about it.

  14. My state tax lady took my income, (similar to yours) and said it was considered wholesale, she put it in with my wholesale accounts. That is also where she stuffed the fundraisers.

    Look in your government pages in your phone book, ot call your coutnry office and ask where your nearest state revenue office is. They will help you. answer all your questions and most will fill out your forms for you.

    I have even seen people come in with a box of invoices. They do it for free. They are already there, might as well use them. Besides who else will know exactly how it to file it.

  15. They are cool, They do make the sound.

    They even burn well enough. Looks like a thin wooden toungue depressor in them only dark.

    They snap and crackle just like they say.

    They were the new thing at market in the fall and I checked them out. A lady down from me sells OV and she says they burn great and sell okay. People just don't trust them.

    (neither do I)

  16. They usually put the new stuff out at certains times, ask the people who work there. If you are there enough you can find out when it comes out. we have one that certain girls do certain thing, one prices kids clothes and puts them out, etc. You just need to find out what days and what girl to find the stuff you want.

    I also travel a lot and always check out of town goodwills, salva's, and Vinnies, many towns have a church donation store that sells to the public, they have good stuff too!

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