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Everything posted by KandysKandles

  1. Well, the good thing is that I need to make alot of firestarters this week.... Its getting cold out, alot of our friends & family have fireplaces or woodstoves so maybe I'll do some unscented firestarters and maybe some cinnamon ones. Other than that, everything I've been told about CBA seems that I won't get the scent throw I'm wanting. I'm still gonna try a few different things with what I have left. But I might just try a different wax.
  2. Thanks Stella, That site I listed here I found after I did more research and I read it the same as you. The beginner candle making instructions I had started with told me different. Someone else also suggested mixing CBA & C-3, looks good, good scent throw... But for now I'm gonna focus on working with the CBA. Thank you, sorry for the idiocy... LOL
  3. Well that's what I thought but I was originally told to add the FO when I added the dye, then let it cool down to the proper pouring temp. At the time I thought it sounded quite odd, but yeah. So now I totally feel like a horses @$$... LOL Oops... Kandyce
  4. What kind of wick are you using for the jelly jars? I have a bunch of 8 oz jelly jars to use also (never tried those yet). But with my current scent throw issue I'm trying to sort out, maybe I'll wait on the jelly jars. Kandyce
  5. There are 8 oz. square Mason jars. Short & wide, I have a few but haven't done anything with them yet. Scent throw would probably be better, I've never used tins but jus going off of diameter I bet it would be similar. I understand about the candles taking over the house!!! Mine are definitely starting to! haha DH is thinkin he will have to build me some shelves in the laundry room so I can have somewhere to cure them!!!
  6. Well I did finally find some additional information on the CB Advanced. They recommend adding FO right before pouring. They also say "Wicks such as paper cored, cotton cored or metal cored should be avoided as they tend to cause sooting and carbon build up." So what else should I use??? LOL I know, those are just suggestions, but I found that a little funny... I also saw somebody suggest letting the candles cool in the oven for a more controlled environment, can't hurt unless I have a clumsy moment right? haha Anyways, thank you everybody! Here's the link for the Eco Soya CB Advanced information I found if anybody wants to read it. http://www.newdirectionsaromatics.com/ecosoya-container-blend-cbadvanced-wax-p-1696.html Kandyce
  7. Yeah, I just read the thread on FO's that do well in soy, and unfortunately for me only one of the FO's I have is on the list!! Yay. But anyways, the 2 FO's I've tried so far was Lavender and Fireside Embers from Candles & Supplies. The Fireside Embers has better throw than the Lavender but its a more potent FO to begin with I think. My melt pool is full, no wax left on the edges, its been burning nicely. So the wicks seem to be the right size. My next FO order is going to come from Peak, there are quite a few I want to try. But, I think I'll increase the FO % with the ones I have. Maybe up the temp to 175 and add the FO at that temp, see if thats better. The other scents I have are Jasmine Vanilla, Juniper Breeze and Red Hibiscus & Acai from WSP. Oh and some little .5 oz FO's from Hobby Lobby. If anybody else uses CB Advance, can you tell me a good temp to add FO? Kandyce
  8. Hi everybody!!! Look out! Newbie here!!!! LOL I've started making candles as a hobby, its always something I've wanted to try and so far I'm having WAY too much fun I think. But, I really like a candle with GREAT scent throw and so far I haven't been that impressed with my work. I'm looking for suggestions on things I could adjust to increase my scent throw. I'm using Eco Soya CB Advanced, which so far I like the way it looks, its user friendly (have yet to need to do a 2nd pore), minimal wet spots, frosting, etc. But the scent throw isn't amazing. The first candles I made were cured only 24 hrs before my husband jumped the gun and lit them! LOL I've been adding FO at about 150 and pouring at 115... All the other candles I've poured have been curing for about a week and the cold throw isn't much either. Right now I'm sticking to 6% FO, using paper core wicks that I got as a sample pack from Candles & Supplies. The paper core wicks have been good (hardly any shrooming), but I have noticed a few posts saying that the wick can indeed affect the scent throw. I've kind of been a lurker for awhile, kind of afraid to post anything being new to this I didn't want to get flamed right away. But, what do you think I should try to adjust first? New wick, like a CD or HTP? Different wax? Increase the FO? I read the thread about the coconut oil, I may be running to Wally World this week and see how that works. Anyways, thanks in advance! Looking forward to getting to know everybody here! Kandyce
  9. How fun!!! If you don't mind me asking, what kind of dye do you use?
  10. I think those are awesome!!! Very retro! LOL You are seriously talented!!!
  11. Those are so great!!!! I love the labels too! Such a good idea!
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