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  • Makes
    candles soap b&b
  • Location
    New York
  • About You
    mainly a hobbyist, I dabble in a bit of everything.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. BCN's Blueberry Muffin is my absolute favorite and I have tried a lot. For me that one is a must have. Nicole
  2. thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for!!! Nicole
  3. In the actual Aquolina Pink Sugar perfume I own I have noticed when I spray it on I smell a citronella type of note which I find unpleasant. It usually fades quickly(or my nose forgets it fast)which is why I have continued to wear it. Was just wondering if anyone smelled the same note and if they had found a dupe that didn't have it? I guess I am looking for something that has all of the good my nose likes with none of the bad:rolleyes2 I have heard several say that ICS and SW are dead on as well as millcreek, but since I am looking for one that isn't quite dead on I imagine this will be difficult. Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to throw some advice my way. Nicole
  4. love the color choices seems like a sweet muted rainbow of sorts. Very nice. Nicole
  5. those are really cute, I love this time of year since the majority of my favorite scents fit right in with the fall and winter holidays.
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