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Posts posted by jenniejr

  1. OMG!! I LOVE the bubbling bombs! I am a bath bomb whore too :D

    I am hearing ya MA ....

    Thankfully, you and I won't be worrying about any visitor.

    Life is grand.


    Colors don't really matter to me as long as they don't color my skin. Peach, Kiwi, Yellow, Cabernet (my fav), Blues, Pinks, Orange, Melon, etc....

    I so need to start making bombs again. :tongue2:

    Something tells me that the 'RED FAIRY' lives at Scented's House!! :shocked2: :lipsrseal :neener: Time for you to send him sowhere else Julie.

  2. I have a shampoo base from Connie's. I am wanting to add to it for my youngest daughter. She gets terribly dry, itchy scalp constantly! :sad2: It makes her so miserable and I feel so bad. I have used T-Gel, but it is so expensive.

    I heard that Tea Tree Oil is good for those issues. What I need to know is how much Tea Tree Oil should I put in for say 8oz & 16oz. Also, is there any other additives that would help??

    TIA ;)

  3. I need to get some of the VCO to try it out jsut to see, but since the 76 is handy, it's more like why?

    Same here :D lol

    I do know that when I did the co-op, I fell in love with the EVCO because it smells so damn good!! :tongue2:

  4. I thought of getting a stamp with my business initials or name and a cute desing to stamp on the bands. Could do little leaves, etc. all over the bands too but I want to keep it simple. Thought if I could get a stamp made with LC for Little Creek or with Little Creek spelled out and a little design that goes un der the name or initials.

    That's a great idea!! :cheesy2: You'll have to let me know how it works out.

    I imagine you would have to make sure you get a permanent ink so it doesn't come of when touched.

  5. OMG!! I have to do 4 logs this weekend! :shocked2: All are from Flicker's Fragrance.

    1. Of A Woman ~ you were right Scented .... I LOVE IT!! :D

    2. Tuscan Lace

    3. Kai

    4. Amber & Musk

    I also have to do a sh!t ton of lip balms and soap for a swap. Going to do Gingerfruit Flower. (for the floral M&P swap)

    I'm sure there is something else .... but for the life of me I just can't remember. :tongue2:

  6. MA think the size of a baseball or tennis ball ... about the best description I can give ya.

    Hell I'm still in the bomb making mode, maybe I'll do one and just see.

    OMG!! :shocked2: Balls that size would be like a volcano in your bathtub!! :D

    Sure would be fun to make though. Off to find me a monster~baller!! :laugh2:

  7. Thanks for the compliments all!

    Uhmmmmm ..... tell ya the truth Scented; when I was done I stood back and said "Where's the Blue??" I turned around and it was on the counter :o Of course it was way too thick by then to even try to use it! :angry2:

    Cut pics coming by morning :D

  8. Welcome! Checking the sticky threads at the top of this forum will show how many different waxes people use with good results. For specific information on each, searching this forum will reveal a wealth of information.

    Good Luck :)

    PS you forgot none of the above in your poll. ;)

    Ditto on checking the threads and for NONE of the above ;)

    oh yeah .... what Top said too!

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