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Posts posted by kyme1911

  1. I'm with you...I really get sick of throwing out my 1oz samples. It adds up when you try a new company and so many sound good, then when I get them (and think yuck) and throw most of them out. I often wondered why you couldn't order test strips (like at the fragrance counter) with FO samples on them. I guess that would be a hassle.

  2. I hope it works..."mountain air" reminded me of the meadow and sitting in the tree tops! And sandalwood is so sultry...definitely sexy and, well, 'nuff said!!

    LMK how you like it...I am so intrigued by your idea!

    I may be a little boring but so far I am still leaning towards Honey, LiLac, Lemon Verbena, & and I threw in some English Lavender to ground it. The Flanel sheets I got smelled like a dryer sheet, just not my thing. Yes my combination is sweet, but that's how he is described in the book. I am going to order some samples from the company Paty mentioned, they sound great. I'll keep you posted.


  3. I buy square adhesive sheets from TC's, they work. But I read on another thread about using transparency film from a office supply store.

    The wax seals are made directly on the glass container. I tried making them on a silcone pad and the glueing them on...but it was messy and since the containers tapered they just didn't fit correctly. I purchased the seal stamper from a company in Canada. www.waxworksonline.com/

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