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Posts posted by charmcandleco

  1. I got a call back yesterday and she told me it would be around $180.00 give or take. That is for 62 1oz Fo's. I thought that was not a very bad deal. She didn't quote the 1/2oz size so I didn't want to bug her anymore. I know she is a busy women. But from the above post I would be best to just get the 1oz size anyways.

  2. This isn't just an issue of sticking a wick to the bottom of a container - it is a product safety issue!

    Use an adhesive that will SECURELY hold the wicktab to the container and not soften or let go when the wax becomes liquid and the inside container temperature rises (especially if the candle is powerburned without benefit of having the wick trimmed by a customer). If the adhesive softens enough to allow liquid wax to be drawn up into the wick, the wick will continue to burn regardless of the height of the neck of the wicktab where it should self-extinguish. If it softens enough to let go, the wick can wander to the side of the container and cause a safety issue and lots of soot on the side of the container (*see photo in the thread link below*). NONE of the glue dots I have used will hold reliably when the wax becomes liquid and hot.

    ...And this is WHY we have to pay extra attention to safety issues when making candles - because SOME people ARE IDIOTS and have enough money to hire lawyers for product liability suits when they manage to cause damage or injury to themselves by NOT following instructions or using basic, common sense.

    Contrary to popular belief, a warning label & instructions will NOT protect a chandler from a product liability suit, which is why we carry product liability insurance, use self-trimming wicks, high-temp adhesives and wicktabs with high necks! All an attorney has to do is demonstrate that other candles, even if burned under the same conditions, will not exhibit the same behavior as caused the problem for their client...

    *Whack* Judgement for the plaintiff! *faint*

    This is a topic recently discussed *HERE*. It has also been discussed in many threads, accessible by searching the forums with the site or search tool. HTH :D

    None of the glue dots I have used are reliable enough for me ether. Thats why I use the hot glue and silicone adhesives. The wick stayed in place it never moved. Its just that the lady never trimmed the wick. No joke you should have seen the thing. I guess all I can do is hope that nothing like this happens again. Which I know it probably will. Man it almost just makes me not want to sell to her again. After reading your post.

  3. LOL Well, that'll cost him a couple hundred dollars. lol What fun that would be to get a giant box of samples like that!

    Sure wish she would offer a sampler sale, don't you?

    I really do! I'm going to call her and see how much it would be to get a sample of each. Maybe she will send the 1/2 oz samples and charge a little less than the 1 ozer's. I will just have to see what she says.

  4. Maybe Santa will just bring me one of each if I am a good little girl. :)

    You and me think alike. I thought about telling my DH that I wanted at least one sample of each oil for Christmas.

  5. I would like to try that scent as well. I had bought Fresh Linen from Wellington. It is a strong thrower but IMO it stinks something awful. I'm also thankful for the info on the Sultry Angle. I recently got an order in of Sultry Angle. But I have not poured it yet.

    I had to pat myself on the back though. Because I also got in some of the Creme Brule Cafe. I keep wanting to add a hole oz to the one pound of wax I was pouring. But I was able to refrain myself and only put 1/2 an oz per pound of wax. I'm glad I did because with just the half oz it is super strong.

  6. This is a little off topic. But your post dustpuuppy reminded of an incident I ran into with a customer. I had sold her a candle. She contacted me and was complaining about how bad it had sooted up the jar. I know that all waxes through out some soot but none of my soy candles have ever put out as much soot as she was talking about. I asked her to bring it in so I could look at it. She did which surprised me. I got to looking at it and the wick no joke was rolled up in a ball. It was about three inches to long. Lucky I put warnings on them stating that you have to trim the wicks for safety reasons. Because no joke if she would have keep burning that thing any longer it would have shattered.

  7. Wick Tabs are not a necessity. But you do of course have to have some sort of glue for your wicks. You can use hot glue, wick tabs, glue dots, silicone based high temp. glue. If I were you I would not use glue dots. They tend to come unglued pretty easy. As for wick tabs I have never used them. I have used hot glue and the silicone glue. Out of these for now I use the hot glue. Just make sure you get High temp glue though. IMO

  8. Candle Cocoon has some of the best oils out there! Love Pumpkin Coffee, Masala Chai, Peony White Tea, Vanilla Voodoo, Sultry Angel, Bunchberry & Moss, and Serendipity. Wish I lived a couple of hours from them! :)

    LOL you and me both

  9. I love there oils. Very fast shipping and best customer service I'v experienced. Peony and White tea, Candy Corn, Vanilla Voodoo, Sultry Angle, and Creme Brule Cafe are the ones I have tried so far. Looking forward to trying more. I really like them all but out of these Peony and White Tea is my fav. Also they are very concentrated.

  10. Very cute those should sell well. Can I make a suggestion? I know you made the twilight one for your granddaughter. But u should make some more like it as well. As popular as twilight is right now u would probably sell out of those pretty quickly.

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