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Everything posted by LilliAngela

  1. I use the food grade. That said, I don't know that it's really necessary - I just don't like the "floaties" that I've gotten with the technical grade (also purchased from AAA)
  2. I don't but it's certainly something that some folks do. You can also make your lye solution with ice cubes to help with the cool down.
  3. Pumice is really the best bet for that type of scrubby soap. Almond shell powder, strawberry seeds & poppy seeds also work pretty well.
  4. Congrats on your new mold! About the oils - I melt mine either in a sink of hot water or else put it in a pot on the stove on med-low (with a rack in the bottom of the pan so the plastic bottle isn't sitting directly on the hot bottom of the pan). Then I usually pour it into another container that's easier to scoop out of at room temp. Easy-peasy hth
  5. I'm very excited about this weekend too! I can't wait to meet you Nancy & Jennifer! BTW - I used to be a member here once upon a time but can't remember my username or login, so I registered again today - Just in case it seems weird for a new person to be so excited about this thread.
  6. It's better to store your oils in a cool place rather than a warm place. Some oils do better if they're refrigerated but I personally don't keep mine in the fridge (don't have the room). All oils have a shelf life and can eventually go rancid. The cooler you can keep them, the better but they're usually fine at a normal room temperature.
  7. I'm not super familiar with FBB but have used it a couple of times. I do know that you don't want to add too much oil or butter because it can really effect the lather. You might contact your supplier and ask them. Is it possible that air is getting into the container? How long did it take to get stiff? I would think it's supposed to hold up better than that.
  8. Hi. I'm new here but thought I'd weigh in on this a bit... According to the NPA (Natural Products Association), "natural" products should be at least 95% natural. Of course there's a bit more to it than that, but that's the short of it. You can read more at their website... http://www.naturalproductsassoc.org/site/DocServer/new_The_Natural_Standard_042208v01_final_050108_rev_0509.pdf?docID=7241 That said, there are conflicting opinions about the use of the word "natural" (as I'm sure you're well aware ) Some people might find it a bit misleading to use Natural in your business name, while others will think it's just fine. In the end, it's really up to you and what you feel comfortable with.
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