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Everything posted by scentsational_aromas

  1. Thanks so much I'll try eliminating the vybar. Can I add it in after the oil if I see that it's not mixing in very well? Maybe I'll buy some container wax to go with my other wax. Any recommendations? I still have 10 pounds of the GenWax 128. Do you typically add in more than 1oz of oil per pound of wax?
  2. Hi everyone... i've been making tarts for a couple of years and I was wondering if you could give me any advice for making them better? I make them as a hobby for now. I use straight paraffin 1/2 to 1lb at a time - 128mp and I melt it to 190 and let it cool to 185 and add a little vybar (1/2 tsp per pound usually). Then I add coloring and 1oz of fragrance oil per pound. Then I pour. I let them cool a little and then I repour. I let them cool completely and then I unmold them and put them in a polypro container to cure. They do come out strong (maybe 1.5-2 tealight's worth before they lose their scent), but I was wondering if there was any way for me to maximize my scent throw - hot and cold? Is there anything I need to be doing differently? I want to make the best tarts I can Thank you for your advice and information! Andrea
  3. Hi everyone... I've been making tarts for a couple of years now and I've since moved to Oregon and I have lots of time on my hands. I was thinking about turning my tart making hobby into a little business and maybe learning how to make candles too. My question is, how did you all start out in the tart/candle business? Thanks in advance for any advice/information Andrea
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