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Posts posted by jennyjo

  1. I don't have personal experience with Yankee, because I refuse to pay that kind of money for a candle. I have bought tarts and that's all. My sister bought them like crazy before I started making candles and I never once could tell she was burning a candle when I was at her house. I went to a birthday party a couple weeks ago and they had one burning...didn't smell it either. What's the point? I don't know...I like the look but if it doesn't smell, not worth it, IMO.

  2. I agree with Maggie on the Candlewic CBL-130. I have been using it and it is great! Price is good and shipping wasn't bad for me. I know it stinks to switch wax, but it is worth it. The best wax I've tried in a while and I tried many, many waxes over the last few months. Finally settled on that one.

  3. Okay, I was checking back in on this thread. So my mind started turning again. Someone mentioned that it would be like a heated lotion bar, so my thought is how about a lotion tart? We could melt it in a tart warmer, so you wouldn't have to heat it much to make it melt...and it would be a single portion. But then you have to worry about people using regular tarts for the same purpose, but I guess you run that risk with the candles too. Maybe there is no great solution.

  4. Okay, I have finally had it with printing my own labels. Yes, it's cheaper, easier to change products, etc. But, I have a crappy printer and I frustrate easily. I just am not good at designing. So I am going to get some help. Especially since my store opens in 7 weeks and I think I should have a better looking label.

    My problem comes with my company image. I currently make square mason candles in both sizes and clamshell tarts. These have a kraft hang tag currently, with a prim look. (crow design) I live in a country farming area so these are popular. Then, I also had some customers who wanted a "non-mason" candle to fit the style of their homes. These are good customers. They spend much money on my candles. So I added the status jars. I went a little more contemporary with these, but never really got a great label. This week I got new packaging for my lotions. They are amber with black pumps. I have been looking at ideas and I just can't seem to find a "style" that fits both types of customers and will all go together in the store. I kinda need to know what I want before I find a label designer. Can I do both styles with the same company? And is there a way to make it all look good together? I feel like I am leaning more towards contemporary designs, but I can't get rid of the masons. Help????

  5. Honestly, I am just thinking about ordering a kit, because they give you what you need, but it seems as though micas and oxides are both used in conjuction, so they must be both effective in coloring the lips. How's that for a major run on sentence? My 4th grade teacher would be so proud, lol!

  6. I love Apples& Maple Bourbon, Very Vanilla, and the Pear Glace. I use the pear glace in lotions and body spray and I get so many complements. I am going to try many more, because they all throw great in my wax. The only ones I personally didn't like was White Tea & Berries (not my thing), Hansel and Gretel, and Blackberry Marmalade. I also use the Cranberry Marmalade, Pumpkin Souffle, and Mistletoe in Winter. All were great sellers. Going to try the Strawberry Shortcake and Banana Nut Bread for sure.

  7. Okay, I am just brainstorming here, but if some like the idea of the Lotion Candle, but the actual burning of the candle is the danger...then could you make it wickless and use a warmer to heat it? It would have to been done in a thin, shallow tin or something, but if you omited the EO or FO and made it wickless it could work. Maybe??? Just me thinking...that's usually not a good thing. LOL;)

  8. What can you put into lip balm to make it tinted? I want it to leave some sheer color on the lips...not like lipstick. Any help would be appreciated. I spend alot of money on buying these and can't ever find a shade I love...I want to make my own.

  9. It's funny, because I had trouble with KY fragrances. I switched from KY Coconut Cream Pie to Natures Garden, because it seems to throw much stronger in my wax. It must depend a lot on a person's wax and wicking. But I agree that Peak's oils can't be beat. CS are mostly good for me, too. I have been trying to narrow down suppliers, but its hard because everyone keeps recommending oils from this company and that company. It's hard to resist!

  10. It might just be that the oil you choose is not good for your wax. What wax are you using? I use a parasoy blend and I get a great throw from their oils. I read the reviews and base my choices on those that others said worked well. I have not tried the FO that you are referencing, so I can't help there. I love the seaside cotton...that can fill a room. I just got that one along with 10 others and all have been fine so far. Many here use NG oils. Do a search on what is popular. It also could have to do with your wicking. If the wicking isn't right, you may not get a good throw. Give us some more info and maybe we can help.

  11. I need some help. I have been operating my candle company for 6 years. I have recently started dabbling in the B&B. Here's my question: My business name is Briar Creek Candles, but I don't think that goes well with my new line of products like sugar scrubs, lotion, etc. Can I give this line of products a new name without a fictitious name registration? I would still list Briar Creek as the distributor, but I don't want to operate it as a seperate company. Just want a better, catchier name. I still want something rustic/country sounding. I tried Briar Creek Bath Shoppe, but was not sure I liked that. What am I allowed to do? And any suggestions for names?

  12. Yes I checked in PA and it is $125 and there is no annual fee unless you are a professional such as dentist, doctor, lawyer, etc. Of course, the legal ads in the paper aren't cheap. But I am going to set up an LLC for my business very soon. I have enough problems as it is. Don't need any new ones. Thanks to everyone for all the great advice.

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