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Posts posted by RichardLOZ

  1. Well my 464 arrived coincidentally the same day that my container palm arrived from ACS (who do not have any soy at this moment). Ordered late Thursday afternoon, delivered Monday. Ok it is Sydney to Sydney but still, and shipping was only $9 via Auspost. For you guys out in the sticks shipping would most likely be more but at least they have the wax available. Also received 2 x 1 kg samples of palm, both pillar, but will get poured this week to test and let you know how it goes.

    So far very impressed with the service I have received, so will be chatting to them further in regards to incoming glassware. Will report back when I know more. I guess you guys all got the email from ACS in regards to them having their server checked yada yada yada. I can't remember seeing any secure site notification on their cart, but I amy also be wrong in that assumption. In any case I am paying them via paypal for now.

  2. This is great news!

    I will be keeping an eye on this with interest, am keen to know who their Palm is from - If it is from the same manufacturer as the ones that either NCS or ACS source theirs from they already have an audience of buyers who already use the same wax. In terms of the 464, this might turn out to be a real blessing to east coast makers as freight costs should be a lot cheaper.

    Keep me in the loop Richard.


    Will do for sure. As said above, I have a box of 464 coming (ACS is out, surprise surprise!) and a sample of 2 types of palm, which I will get Tracy to pout into pillars & melts for testing and comparison purposes. Expecting the delivery Monday and she is pouring next week, so should hopefully have preliminary results next weekend or early the following week. I don't think thay have container palm, but thats ok, its more feather & soy that we go through.

    I don't know what it is with the container palm, but I have tried it in 6 different types of glassware and people do not even give it a glance. The few who I have suggested that they try it have however come back to restock with the same scent and jars, saying that it throws way better than the soy. Yeah "I" already know that, I just wish the general public would get it as well. Can't say I am that concerned however as it really can be a bugger to get the wicking right with it. If any wax is going to cause me to lose more hair than I already have it bloosy container palm :)

  3. Koala

    I have used both ACS / NCS Metro's and have not noticed any significant difference in the burn at all. I think that the NCS are ever so slightly taller and narrower than the ACS, but not enough difference to change wicking.

    On a brighter note, for those Aussies who use feather palm / 464 Soy and various glass I have stumbled across another supplier in Sydney. Their wax price is on par, although their glassware is really expensive in comparison, I'm talking 2.5 times the price. In any case I called than and was chatting for about 30 minutes or so in regards to the woes of having just 2 main suppliers, and some interesing discussion points came out of the conversation.

    They currently have multiple ton's of wax in stock. Forget their oils, again horrendously expensive. They are however expecting a container of glass in the next 6 weeks or so, and when that arrives should be able to match prices of Gala, which is still slightly more expensive than ACS / NCS, but will hopefully give us continuity of supply.

    Don't want to say too much just yet, as don't want to get anyones hope up too high :)

    I have ordered a box od soy (ACS is OOS) and some samples of palm to try. Expecting it to arrive Monday. Once tested I will let you know the results.

    I will of course be having further discussions with them, as I did mention that I do know a bunch of people who would definitely welcome with open arms a 3rd major player in the Aussie supply market.

    Fingers crossed for now. Further updates next week :)

  4. That loks pretty damn bad. Maybe I have just been lucky. I have probably ordered over the last few years 2000 - 3000 sheets of mainly kraft, but also some white, clear and matte and have never had an issue. have also ordered from online labels, but only when I was in the US as their shipping price to Australia is over the top.

    Might pay Koala to pick up the phone late one evening and give them a call. Might be easier to get your point across over the phone rather than via email.

  5. Ahh the joys of only having 2 suppliers in Australia, of which only one has the wax that I need. No wax stock, none of the few oils I do get locally are in stock, no jar stock, How the freaking hell are we supposed to be able to run a business under these damn circumstances. next week they will suposedly have al of these items in stock, which is no great help when I have orders to fullfil right now. I mean how bloody hard can it be as a suplier to keep suitable amounts of raw material in stock! FFS!!!

  6. I got this email from my website the other day....

    Name: Mr, Rudd

    Email: Square_Olle@hotmail.com

    Comments: Hello there,

    "I want to buy some PRODUCTS from your company to my new store in Australia, I would like to know if you accept credit card and ship internationally as I have got new shops opening another part of the world.So please let me know if you can assist me with the order I will await your prompt response as soon as you receive this mail,I will be very glad if you treat this email with good concern.

    You can reply back to Square_Olle at hotmail.com"

    Regards Mr, Rudd

    ...So I decided to play along and wrote back that I had a minimum order of $100 and would only commence with an order once funds have been received and cleared in my bank account. I figured I would probably not hear from him again then today I get an email with an order for 450 candles, asking for cost so that they can supply credit card info, really? :confused: Why would someone order so many candles and pay for international shipping, I just don't get it? I know there are great candle makers in Australia, wouldn't that be more economical? What do you all think of this?

    Wow, I never knew that our Ex prime minister was so into candles :) I get them as well, although from just about every country besides Australia, usually sent from a gmail address. I now have most of them going straight to the trash without me even seeing them, for the others there is the delete key :)

  7. While we are talking about Berts, I would love dups for Snow Fairy & Spiced Pear particularly. Most pera scents I have sniffed both OOB and in wax have smelt like vomit...LOL. Betrs was to die for. Her Key Lime Pie & Strawberry were both awesome as well. I guess I was lucky as I managed to get me 5 lbs of Strawberry and 8 lbs of Columbian Coffee last week which will see me through for a while anyway.

    I may have some Fall Harvest which I am not using, but the shipping from Oz to the US would kill you :(

  8. Sorry Nadia, cant help with the 135 as I only use the palm waxes from NCS. Unfortunately I like my 464 / palm combo and the only place I can get that is out of Perth, so have to wear the damn shipping of about $20 / box which kills me. If it wasnt for the high shipping I would be tempted to get my 464 out of the States where it is only about $50 / box.

    At least NCS have done the right thing by their customers though in dropping their oil prices in line with our strong dollar, which is nice of them. Pity ACS cant bring themselves to so the same thing. Oh well, such is life I guess.

    Give them a call and ask them, perhaps they have had some other people call them about the same issue and know about it? If they are not too busy they are happy to chat for a bit anyway. I was speaking with them last week and they have some more glassware on the wharf as well as the 225 metros in stock, so that is something at least :)

  9. I will start to use paypal with ACS I think. As far as I am aware NCS is secure, so should be ok. I also noticed that NCS has the 225g Metro's in stock at the moment as well, so if anyone wants some, now may be a good time. No one has any bloody apothecary jars of course, so I will have to get from Gala, who usually has those in stock.

  10. Thanks Bart, PM'd you a few mins ago with more info. An update for the others - Looks like nearly $100k has been skimmed from candlemakers alone - we found more people who had been skimmed after putting up Beware notices on all our Facebook pages. And it hasn't stopped, so be very aware of your accounts - even if you haven't purchased in a little while - particularly from a company who prefers offline mode for transactions (won't name names for obvious reasons). One poor lady hadn't used her CC for 2 years - but the number must have been stored on the system that was hacked, and she lost a heap of money before the bank cottoned on and stopped the card. Some very scary stories out there !

    Well looks as though we got done also. I did check accounts as soon as I saw this and all looked ok, until I received a call from the bank today. On calling them back there were 4 transactions that were put through the account, 1 of which declined but the others went through, so now card is frozen. Have to call the back again tomorrow to try to get it sorted out. What a bloody PITA............

  11. Hey Koala,

    Long time no see :)

    We print both Kraft, Matte and Clear labels now, and all are just printed using the plain paper setting with no problems so far. Used to have the IP3000, but it finally died. Went to a Samsung laser, which is an awesome printer if you do not want to print labels....LOL, and now have a canon MP560 which also does an awesome job when printing.

  12. We don't really sell much online either. The odd order here and there, but most customers who are going to order not in person will generally call or email what they want through, no matter how much I try to get them to use the site, which is of course easier for me :)

  13. Totally agree with this. Palm melts throw really well and then just slide out of the burner when done. The only downside we find is that palm being so brittle and fragile can tend to damage very easily if you are selling, hence the greatest joy in our lives when we make then is shrink wrapping....LOL

    Why sont you grab a 5 kg bag from David Susan and try them out. You will get quite a few melts out of 5 kg, and you can use the mini muffin molds, either the silicon of the non stick rather than buying the fluted ones and the inflated Aussie prices :)

  14. Hey Jonsie

    Will definitely be interested in hearing how the Cajun UV goes for you as pricing on it is very very good.

    As is typical both of our wonderful suppliers are out of glass again. I was lucky enough to snag 3 boxes of apothecary jars out of Sydney, which gives me about 200 to play with right now, so hopefully that will hold me until one or the other gets more in.

    Have you other Aussies noticed that NCS has actually dropped the price of many of their oils, most likely due to our high $, however ACS is still charging the same price as always. Given that I have ordered 1 lb out of Sydney of French vanilla to try against the Perth oil as it is so much cheaper.

    If either of you have used both the FV from here I would be keen to know what if any difference there was in the wicking in Soy. I am hoping it is going to be the same, but feel more testing coming on when I get back home.

    Currently in Hong Kong and keen to get back home as we have a bunch of markets and parties in the first part of next month as well as our wholesale accounts to look after before we go on holiday for 2 weeks.

  15. I will have to keep up with this thread. That is an awesome price compared to what we are charged here! You will have to let us know how it looks and works when it arrives, and if it looks good I will then have to order. Probably dont need the express shipping option as I still have some left here that I got from NG.

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