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Posts posted by Di_in_AZ

  1. Haven't rec'd any spam, but back to the Deja Vu e'mail: Do they not know how to use the BCC???

    Not only is that careless, that's ignorant--especially with them being business owners.

    I mentioned that in my email and she was very apologetic. Apparently the lady bought the company from another person and that is where she got the email addresses from. The previous owner also owned Flickering Flames Supplies. I don't ever recall doing business with her, I think she may have gotten my email from selling in classies.

    Either way, suppliers or anyone on this board should never sell emails or spam customers without consent.

  2. I personally have never contacted them in any manner

    Things that make you go hmmm...I have no idea.

    I am emailing this person who I posted about to find out who leaked my email addy because I don't use it on the boards anywhere, but I do with some suppliers. The person is actually very nice and just bought the business from someone else--who had that addy. I just wish people were more careful with your information. I don't care if the email I use on boards gets out, but I did not ever suspect anyone I did business with, I have not had a spam situation before with any one I have dealt with in candles. Stupid me! Live and learn I guess.

  3. I was spammed tonight by Deja Vu Candles. I make candles, so I really am not interested. What upsets me, I was spammed by this person on an email address I use with suppliers. I don't use that address on any websites. I am disappointed that this person stole or bought my email address. The worst thing was they sent the email out to probably over 100 people, and all the email addresses were in the "TO" line for everyone to peruse, nothing like protecting your "spammed" customers' privacy. Whoever you are, shame on you for being extremely rude and unprofessional.

    Edit to say, they did email to apologize and said I was a customer who bought candles from them. I sell my own so I know that is not true, I suppose it could be a cosmic coincidence that another candle company emailed me at an addy I use with suppliers by mistake.

  4. You know this has always bugged me but I have never questioned it. I use J50. I am price shopping right now and one supplier has it at 55 lbs a case, one at 60 lbs a case and another at 66 lbs a case.

    I thought these were standard cases, how can each supplier carry a different weight case? If someone knows, please chime in. I know if I call each individual supplier they will tell me theirs weighs that much but I hardly believe that IGI is now packaging slabs according to supplier and not using a standard case. I may be wrong.

  5. Probably more of a design fault and if it didn't even make it out of the burner, I wouldn't think of it as exploding. I wouldn't use that burner anymore or make sure you had it somewhere that if wax did splash it wouldn't damage anything.

    I have used that size of melt for I don't know how many years and never had a problem, never had a concave melter though.

  6. Hey, I tried LOL :D I know I have a couple sites and sheesh, they bombard you starting about three months out with the companies that are hosting for me!

    Well I hoped, maybe they will still come through, were the numbers on that site the same as the other numbers you had? Maybe try calling them. Good luck!

  7. The site was registered to this company according to godaddy:

    Registrant Contact:

    Ditto Group, Inc.

    John Flynn (jafii@dittogroup.com)


    Fax: +1.9033652100

    256 PR 8571

    Winnsboro, TX 75494


    Administrative Contact:

    Ditto Group, Inc.

    John Flynn (jafii@dittogroup.com)


    Fax: +1.9033652100

    256 PR 8571

    Winnsboro, TX 75494


    And the website for that group is here, including a contact for candles:


    If you go to godaddy.com and type in a domain name, then hit the get information thing, you can get all of this online. HTH Good luck :)

    Edit to say, it looks like they just lost the domain registration on that site, it can be a simple error, it just ran out around the 23rd of this month I believe.

  8. I entirely believe you, I don't think anyone here doesn't feel for you. I think it is a shame you had to post here in an effort to gain the sellers attention, but guess what--that usually works. Nothing can spur customer service like an announcement that it isn't happening.

    I had problems with a lemon car before and I was being brushed off by the service department, I walked out on the showroom floor and started asking people if they wanted to know what the service department was doing to me at that precise moment, and dam--they had my car up on the rack working on it within five minutes. It is sad to have to get to that point, but some sellers put you there. A simple response would have solved this before it got here.

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