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Posts posted by Starr

  1. Does anyone have a good one? I've had a few people ask me for it since you started to be able to get "Pomme" everything at the store and I love pomegranate stuff myself so I have no qualms about adding one. I saw that Candle Science has a Pomegranate and Sage that sounded promising but would like some general opinions.


  2. Thanks Billie.

    I got the second batch unmolded and cut up today. Since it was chocolate I decided to play with it a little bit and the results are MARVELOUS! I'm going to ask DH to shoot some pictures for me as this looks so much nicer then the Sea Glass. I'll try to post them later tonight.

  3. I've tried a multi-base from a different site and made bath milk out of it. I've had it sitting around for several weeks now because of course, I don't often take a soak in the tub. I'll say that the recipe was very easy and it worked exactly as I was told it would. I've got a new tester who's willing to try it out for me and I'm *crossing my fingers* for a rave review.

  4. I haven't found any for bulk production. I remember seeing some place that had recipe's for Hand Sanitizer and they told you to use a high proof (and somewhat expensive) vodka. Might be good if you just want something to tinker with, but for resale, probably too expensive.

    I use a concentrate for my lotion and after water and preservative, I select everything else that goes into it. I took a base recipe from the supplier and tweaked it until I got exactly what I wanted. I don't know if that would be something you're interested in, if you are, PM me and I'll give you some info.

  5. I go right up through Nanticoke once a month on my way to Wilkes-Barre. I'll have to try and find you after you open. Good luck!!!

    Judy, you're going to be right next door to me... I'm minutes outside of Pottsville... not much to do there, unless you're a beer drinker, the Yulengyuleng (sp?) factory is there.

  6. I don't use lotion base but rather concentrate and add my own preservative, scent, carrier oil, etc...

    I use nearly equal parts of concentrate and FO.

    I took the amounts based on the supplier's "basic" recipe and my own testing and I'm SOOOOOOOOO happy with it.

    I haven't tried pre-made base though and I'm not sure how helpful this is going to be.

  7. Sea glass is a naturally occuring glass that you find on beaches it's usually a blue, green, or blue-green color but I understand that sometimes you find a clear/yellowish color.

    The scent itself is semi-tropical and watery. To me it's a "spa" scent (something you'd enjoy at a spa).

    I was trying to find a way to make something that looked like sea glass and trap it.

    I've started attempt two with some chocolate. Dark chocolate curls in a pale brown base. I'll unmold it tomorrow and see how it turned out.

    Thanks for the feedback!!!

  8. I've been desperate to add something different to my inventory so I decided to play around with curls. I'm thinking this would look even better in chocolate. This particular scent is Sea Glass. I thought the colored pieces would be fun.

    This is my first attempt at playing with this, I think more curls will be necessary in the future, but I think it still looks kinda fun. 100_1825.jpg100_1827.jpg

    Sorry the pictures aren't so great, I've got to get DH on the job, I'm definitely the inferior photographer.

  9. I typically like how they look fresh out of the mold. Sometimes I take a knife to the edge if it's rough (which happens from pouring) and will take a cloth and gently wipe them if they've got finger prints (from my cleaning the edge), or any other surface marks.

  10. I'm usually trying to avoid mottling but I understand that IGI 1246 is supposed to be very good for it. I once bought IGI's 1313 as I was told it was a translucent wax that didn't mottle. Apparently I misunderstood, it mottled like crazy. Made pretty decent candles from what I remember but it was a while back.

  11. I've never noticed a correlation between extreme candle making and getting ill. But when my candle making was small and mostly for myself, the "Candle making area" was being doubled as my kitchen, I could go through 100 Excedrine Migraine in less then 2 weeks.

    Those FO's can kill ya!

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