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Posts posted by felixncharlie

  1. I know this sounds strange but about 2 weeks ago I went on youtube and put candles under the search and a few candle companies came up but then there were videos of companies giving demos on their candle making equipment.This equipment would be for high volume production/labeling etc.Maybe you can check it out and search lotion making or call the companies on the videos and see if they do b&b equipment as well.HTH

  2. I have never tried this before but I just want to see the results and need some help.If you are using an lx 18 in a 3" diameter container and you want to use 2 wicks do you wick down or just use 2 lx 18's? I am not having a problem wicking my container I just want to learn more about double wicking.


  3. I read all your raves about SS and I am wondering if anyone is using their fo's in paraffin? I know some of them are rated excellent for paraffin but is anyone actually using them on this board for candles?Their fo's seem very high priced, most around 4.oo an oz and thats even higher than wsp which I think is pretty high.Are they really worth the extra $$$?

  4. I have since decided against using this Wellington blend,although its a really great looking wax it is not for a newbie like myself-waaaay to hard to wick for me.I think I tried 6 or 7 and did 3-4 burns with each and still either get hang up or discoloration of the cooled melt pool so this one is NOT a keeper,I'll stick to parrafin but thanks for your answers anyway.:)

  5. slooow.When they reply (by email only) they are nice and somewhat helpful but I think their website could be better.I placed an order and should be receiving my new fo's soon.I hope they are good.I'll report soon.

  6. Hi everyone,

    I am a newbie to candle making and for now I just give them as gifts but I can dream of selling them someday. I recently asked a ? on the board about trademarking and incorporating etc and got some great answers.Since then I have talked to a lawyer (friend)and a financial advisor(another friend) the lawyer said that inc. and trademarking would be a smart idea and the financial guy said that I do not need to incorporate and I should wait until I make some good $ to trademark.I would like to get some of your input please.My husband is worried that we could get sued if someone burns one of my candles and God forbid a fire would start in their home.So do you thing incorporating would help?Or just extra insurance and what kind of insurance? This is waaaay in the future but still would like info. Thanks:undecided :undecided

  7. I am just wondering if AGE FO's are really worth ordering?They seem to have some interesting scents but the website is not the most user friendly and the only way to contact them is email so if you have a question which I did ,it took 6 days for them to answer.Do they have excellent quality scents?

  8. Can anyone help with wicking this blend. 50%soy-25%bee 2%palm. I am using a 4" high container with a 3" diam.I am mostly using scents from peak as they say they do well in soy.I tried an eco 12 and after the melt pool cooled it was badly discolored and never did melt to the edge.I know I only tried 1 wick so far but I need a nudge in what direction I should try next.

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