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Posts posted by clonefan80

  1. Not sure about your tumbler jar you may have play with that to get your shipping just right but I double box and use peanuts. I also put my jars back into the box they came in with the dividers. I ship two cases at a time and they will fit in a 20x15x15 box. I put a small layer of peanuts down first then stack the two boxes on top of each other and then fill it up with peanuts. I have yet to have any breakage and i been shipping for over 3 years now. I found a local box company and purchase the boxes in qtys of 25's at $1 each and can get a huge 20cu ft bag of peanuts for $10, pretty inexpensive for peace of mind shipping. Hope that helps

  2. i never tab pillars number one reason being many holders have that center spike thing for them to set on. second is you never burn a pillar all the way down and therefore I don't wick clear to the bottom of the pillar, i leave about 1/2" at the bottom...ditto what everyone else says about containers and tabs, if your still unsure just set a wick in a container and see what happens when that melt pool gets close to the bottom......POP...it'll scare the beejesus out of ya

  3. Well I use a very detailed inventory program, Peachtree. When I get stock in I add that. When I make a candle I add that as stock. I have everything i make broke down by, ie how much f/o a 16oz candle takes, wicks and so on. When I make a candle it automatically pulls inventory away from the other stock like dye, wicks, f/o and so on. I'm not going to tell you its an easy program to master but when you do you will be able to keep track of everything and the IRS will love ya if you ever get audited. Hope i made sense here..

  4. Think outside the box here, don't try and name the candle with the scent. Your looking at the marketing end. Just like your voodo one, you went totally different than Love Spell. Are you starting theme persay in your candle line? My line is totally a western theme candle line, i think we've talked before, but let me tell you your on the right track. Marketing is everything........so that said maybe Sweet Cheeks....lol


  5. I have mine thru Ohio Casulty, call an independent agent and ask if they underwrite with them. All i have is product liability, nothing else. Would I work without it, just pick up the paper this time of year and you can find house fire stories due to unattended candles. But I am also a wholesaler and do business in many states and this is a necessary must for me.

  6. Here's some more incentive. I only wholesale but I have a customer in another state who hosted an open house two weekends ago. She took one of every scent and took orders. She did sell her samples after everyone was able to smell them. Her total for that show was $1485. So jump in and roll your sleeves......

  7. i'm with Bruce on this one, i buy by the pallet as well. But...there is a company in Springfield, MO, Morriswax (google it for the website) and he has some excellent pricing on wax, if he has two or more people in the same area he will split the shipping charges among them. He is regional though so you'd have to call him and ask what states he services.

  8. Spellkast beat me to the punch here. I am a wholesale company and have a couple of ladies who pretty much do home parties and sell my products in various ways. They both have tax id's and this is their business and actually they do quite well at it. With the contacts you have a college selling a product would be easier for you and once your name gets out there people will be calling you for candles or whatever you decide. If this is something you might be interested in feel free to email me, I can at least guide you in the right direction to get started.

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