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candle kitten

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Everything posted by candle kitten

  1. I used to get my Grandma's kitchen from Cierra's. We all know that they are closing and I will need to get a new supplier for it. Here's where my problem comes in : Grandma's Kitchen is so vague that you never know what you are getting. Some descriptions that I have seen are Vanilla and cinnamon and some just say "smells like baking, just like grandma's kitchen". But the Cierra one is like a spiced apple and it does really good for me in light (colonial) blue. The price from Cierra's isn't the best, but I get my igi wax from them too and they [WERE] my wax supplier due to low shipping/distance. I ordered a bunch of wax and several lbs of fragrance on their sale, but they are closing April 30. So Now what? tia Candle Kitten
  2. The sleeves are perfect for the protection! And these look very professional. Everything goes together really well. Well done!
  3. Those look really great. You should be proud. I love the color combo and the scent combo sounds great too! -Candle Kitten
  4. Happy Friday! I have a lot of new scents that I got from CS. I plan on pouring Brandied Pear, Sweet Pea, Chardonnay, and Sandalwood. But I also just received Amish Harvest and Pink Sugar from Peaks, so I'll have to squeeze those in too. We'll see if the weather makes my plans change. might have to hit the beach instead....oh the possibilities...
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