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Karen M

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Posts posted by Karen M

  1. Mu Cuisinart coffee maker suffered a melt down. One morning I heard something boiling, went in the kitchen, the heated plate where the coffee pot sits, had heated up was boiling the coffee, my husband grabbed the whole unit and took it outside in the yard, to cool it off.

    It was crazy, I think if we had not been there it would have eventually been in flames. I guess the electric parts that heat the warmer plate up malfunctioned and cooked!

  2. While I have tested many pines, I still cannot get rocky mountain pine from HF out of my head, it was IMO the best ever. To me it has to smell like a fresh cut tree at Christmas time. Not actual pine essential oil. I am still looking, sampling, and working on getting RMP (HF) duped, before it is all gone.

    bsones are you talking about LS christmas tree oil, or do they have a straight pine?


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