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Posts posted by RNSandSCENTS

  1. In 2003, I had a part time job at one of the largest supermarket chains on the east coast in the service deli. Most of the girls that worked that counter were young and really just did not have a clue. I mean they would open packs of roast beef with all the red juices and get it all over the floor....talk about gross. But it gets better, at close they would just spray the floor down with a hose and nothing else. Oh and those black display thingys in the refrigerator case, those get lined up on the floor to and hosed down and if lucky wiped dry. And then would say man it stinks back here. Well out of the 10 people that worked that area only 2 of us would bleach the floors, let it sit and then spray it down. Now imagine those juices fresh on the floor while putting away stock and then getting a call from the customer service desk that says a customer needs x amount of boxes, how many do you have? Do you think those boxes get sanitized like we do our work areas when we do bath and body? HECK NO! All that crap is going to someone's house. Oh to those of you who eat rotisserie chickens....they are removed from the skewers with oven mitts....THAT NEVER GET WASHED!!! They just lay them around on the counters, sometimes they hit the floor. Rotisserie Chicken....no thanks I will pass. Oh and I only go to the deli first thing in the morning.

    About the corrugated box compactors....those boxes do not go to the compactor whole. If they did they'd have to empty them like everyday. Those boxes are broken down and placed on the floor and then transported to the compactor room which is a grossly disgusting place in itself. Even when I worked for Yankee that is how boxes were done. When the supermarket was busy and there wasn't time to break down the boxes right away, guess where those boxes were stored....in that nasty disposal area with all the mice and bugs.....Did I mention I hate grocery stores???

  2. I bought some from ACE Restaurant Supply for mixing nail powders and glitter a while back. I thought I'd be able to use them for testers and sure enough the fo burned right through. The ones I have are SOLO P100. I looked on the supply links in this thread and don't see how you would know if they were #5s or not....do you call the company and ask? I don't need 1000 of them for sure but I'd like to have some on hand when I start to send out my next batch to my testers.:confused:

  3. Remember what I said about wattage before you click on this thread....400W no wonder nobody is killing their Brauns!


    The reason you could not find it is because the braun immersion blender has been discontinued in the US but is still available in Canada. http://www.consumersearch.com/www/kitchen/hand-blenders/review.html

    I may have to look at this site a little further and do some more research.....:angry2:

  4. Well I thought about and read somemore about using the pressure cooker and I think I will experiment with this method BUT I will buy a newer one with the safety top like the Fagor model. As for the water loss, I think what I will try is before my actual batch maybe do some water in the pressure cooker first and see how much I lose and maybe keep that as reserve in case I lose some after cooking the batch?

  5. I am no expert on SBs but I too am just starting in soap making and wanted a good one. While RPM's are important, its the wattage & the torque of the motor that make any motor work more efficiently, extending the life of the motor.

    Higher wattages allow the power of the motor to be able to do things like make contact with your mixture without losing speed but not having to use so much power that it overworks the motor. At a lower wattage, in order to do this, it would in some cases take the full wattage capacity to power the motor to work stiffer mixtures and the opposite would be true with higher wattages. This is one of the places that most companies cut corners in and why cheaper isn't always better. So when you look for a SB, will want to look at both of these.

    I wanted to get the KA to match my stand mixer but I could not get any info from KA about torque and wattage. Cuisinart information is more readily available than KA. In the older posts that I have read here, it was said that Braun was the better SB but I was unsucessful at finding one locally....HTH and good luck!

  6. My FedEx man delivered an order to me that came in a giant Stayfree maxipad carton--he must have thought I had a serious problem...."we recycle--the owner is a firm believer in recycling whenever possible."

    I think it greedy penny-pinching...I don't like the idea that someone might pluck a box out of a dumpster to ship my goods. Boxes advertising mouse traps and maxipads are not how I would want to deliver my products just to save a buck an order--it's TACKY... If they're insistent upon doing it, the least they could do is cut the box and turn it inside out so your customers or neighbors won't think you're infested or anemic when the see the brand names on them.

    If they can't afford new boxes, then they ought to close their doors.

    OMG!!!!! I oh so agree with you....but the way its written....totally hilarious. I have tears in my eyes from LMAO!:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

  7. I bet you were about floored when you saw THAT box! Although it is quite hysterical, it is still kinda serious. With all the reports in the news about infestations at facilities like this, I would carefully scrutinizing my products to make sure that there is nothing in them immediately upon receipt.

    On a side note, related but not exactly, I recently purchased a bag of Hill's Science Diet food for my Rat Terrier. Well when I bought it we had just ran out of her last bag which was fine. But this bag, was full of bugs. Not little ones BIG ones! I about died and the look on my 12 yr olds face as he says, "I'm not feeding her that!" was priceless! Needless to say I high tailed it back to PETCO to give the store mgr a piece of my mind and he was quite accomodating stating that they have been having problems with the brand and he replaced it with another bag. We opened it in the store to make sure it was ok before I took it out of the store! When I contacted Hill's they gave me the whole corporate speech about plant sanitation and tried to pin it on PETCO. So I guess lots of these plants have issues like this.....I guess we all have to be careful...even with dog food!:laugh2:

  8. Gosh everyone, l was so saddened to read some of these replies. Some of you have been really harsh and unnecessarily abrupt, some really condescending and rude. Do you have any idea how intimidating this forum can be for a newbie? Yes, we may come across as sounding incredibly dumb and downright stupid, (l didn't know there was a defined season of the year for doing it in either!?) and we may have more blind misguided enthusiasm than technical knowhow, but in my case l am here because l really do LOVE what l have learned so far, l love it, and l WANT to learn more.

    l've already been lectured by someone here who knows nothing about me and my background and has made assumptions about why l make candles and what l am doing with them. lt's not nice - l was really enjoying posting my pics and my adventures so far, but now l hesitate before posting anything and find myself worrying that l am putting me and my creations up for criticism - am l going to get picked on for using xyz wick in abc wax, and what if my wick has toppled over a bit, heck, is someone going to jump down my throat because it might look like it is not centred perfectly?

    We might not have posted here as much as some of you, and we may not be business people, manufacturers or experts, but we are doing the best we can, enjoying ourselves, and learning as we go. l think to assume that someone has done no research because they haven't described it in detail or been a member here for a long time is just really wrong.

    When l read the first entry of this thread, even little old me of 23 posts picked up on a few mistakes that l was glad l never made, but l would never assume it okay to jump down anyone's throat about them, especially not on a public forum.

    Someone on this forum has a fabulous quote in their signature that goes something like this and says it all for me:

    'Be kinder than necessary because everyone is fighting some kind of battle'

    If this is meant to be a business only forum, or for experts only, then maybe it should be closed to new members and us newbies can go and be ignorant elsewhere.

    Scrapgabbie, while I agree with most of the points in your post, I still understand some of the not so nicely formed thoughts of those who have been making candles longer than the both of us. What is wrong to some is just normal for others. I take all these things into account when making decisions about what anothers opinion is about me or what I do.

    Having said that, I have looked at your work in the gallery and it is beautiful. It would be a shame if you stopped posting your work. I tell you it has really inspired me and I am sure there are lurkers here who feel the same way.:highfive:

  9. Those damn meth heads spoiling it for everyone!!! :mad:

    And this is the reason why I can't get it where I live either. NONE of the hardware stores or lumber yards sell it anymore because of the meth problems here. I was told by the department manager at Lowe's that it went on clearance about 6 months ago for the very reason that Meridith stated so you may want to ask your local Lowes dept. mgr. if that is the case in your state too. First it was cold medicines, I had to show ID for now this. It really sucks that now if I want to learn how to make CP or HP soap, I'll have to order it online. What's even worse all the suppliers I see that sell lye online are all on the west coast....:(

  10. On the home page you have on your menu discriptions, should be descriptions. Otherwise, very easy to navigate. The only thing I would change are the pictures in your slide show. Does your camera have a macro (flower icon) setting? These are good for close ups. If you are picture taking challenged, just take alot of pics and print them if you can. Having them side by side for comparison is better than looking at them individually. Eventually you will get the right lighting and a great pic. The ones on the slide show are good but the lighting in them aren't. Get some rest and great job!

  11. I thought about this just today so very interesting to dig up this post. My thought was that a pressure cooker would be good for the water phase at keeping your water temp constant at 170 degrees for 20 mins. I have been told that they are great for killing germs and bacteria though almost like an autoclave. I wonder if it will work for that purpose???

    Editted to add: We recently got a new cook top stove. Last night it popped into my head that the burner does not stay on constantly like my old gas range. So I did a test of water temperature and sure enough its not holding a constant temperature at boiling. And the difference seems to go as high as 20 degrees. Like I have to boil and hold at 190 to keep the 170. Now with the pressure cooker it has a temp gauge on it but now that I thought more about it, with nothing other than water in it, that could be a lil explosive. Then I thought about the Presto pot and wondered if it could be used to maintain a steady boil at 170. Any thoughts? I do not have a Presto yet so I cannot test it myself.

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