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Everything posted by j491073

  1. I have made several candles like these. All you have to do is go and buy one of those embed molds. It is a center mold and then the mold to go outside of it after that one is set. Before you pour the wax into the bigger mold, you put the center candle that you poured to start with and then you place the items you want embedded in it and then tou pour the wax in. When it set and you pull it out of the mold it should look simmilar to these. Mine usually do anyways. They are a lot of fun to make because there are so many possibilities and combinations you can do. I love them. I hope this helps you out.
  2. I have a question for anyone who might be able to help me. I have been making candles for over a year now, but I only just bought a single-pour wax. I tried to use it for the first time today and came across a problem. As it cooled it developed deep cracks in the center around the wick. The type a wax I bought is #4615. If there is any way I can keep this from happening again please let me know. I have never had any problems with the other waxes I have used, only this type. Is there something special I should do with this kind? Also do you use additives in this type as you would in the other waxes?
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