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Posts posted by gippersmom

  1. Okay, I put it in the jar last night, and I thought at that point I noticed a little separation, but I guess it was just my paranoia kicking in because when I woke up this morning and looked at it, it looked fine (it has the look of homemade german chocolate cake frosting, with the coconut, but no coconut, BEFORE the sugar melts...lol) It sure smells good enough to eat...wonder what poly 20 does to your insides??lol...along with germall and FO...doesn't sound so yummy to me anymore. I stirred it quite often throughout the night and it didn't get hard at all. IT really resembles this stuff the kids get that looks like beads in goo, maybe floam....my son was working on his truck last night so when he came in greasy, I gave him homemade mechanic soap, and then gave him a wad of the sugar scrub to follow up with and he couldn't believe how soft it made his skin! So Queen, your name says it all in my book ;)

    The only thing I am wondering, is should I have used all turbinado sugar? Because I did (I have a 50# bag of it my friend gave me...she said, "ewww..this stuff stinks" lol...and I said, "oh it might not be any good, let me take it to my friend who has pigs.... :) lol, that's what I call my kids all the time) Will it be more/less abrasive by using all turb.? How long should I wait for it to grow things or separate before I can give some to my mom and SIL?

    I can't believe I was so scared about making this! It really helped that you shared your ideas with me! Thanks again!

  2. I thought I read in the ingredients on a supplier's website, that the aloe liquid used for lotions and stuff has aloe and cetyl in it...seems like it was only two ingredients, and I was sure one was a preservative...(sorry I looked it up, it has Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Sorbate in it)

    maybe if you just adjusted your preservatives...but then again, I'm not sure of that because I have never used aloe or made lotion, I'm just a soap maker.

    By the way, Candlelady, I love your quote at the bottom!

  3. So if the sugar scrub will be quite firm in the jar, will it be scoopable by hand? Or will I need a chisel? :laugh2: And is it safe for me to jar it up now? I noticed that somewhere, someone said to cover it, but not put a lid on it...now how do I do that? :confused:

    I couldn't agree with you more on the purpose of forums. I also belong to another group that is strictly email updates...I really like it, I have gotten so used to that little group of people, they are all very helpful too, that I had forgotten all about how some people can behave on those huge forums :tiptoe: (and you guessed right, BTW) I did find a bunch of helpful info, but what good does it do me if I am made to feel like I "stole" it? At any rate, I sure like it here. And don't worry, your secret's safe with me, I won't tell anyone that you're nice....

  4. Thanks queen! That is exactly how I did it! (Whew!) I was starting to wonder if it was supposed to be looking like grits or cream of wheat....or was it supposed to be more slushy. Now I am a little concerned, cause I read that it does tend to harden or stiffen a bit....I hope I didn't put to much sugar in it, because I know I put the same weight of sugar, that I had in liquids. It actually was not runny at all, it looked kinda like cake frosting, and when I got finished adding the sugar, and the FO, OMG, it smelled good enough to eat! I had to yell at my kids, "THIS has POISON in it...it is NOT food!!" Wonder if poly 20 will kill ya? OMG...I just realized, you said all the things I put in my recipe....I didn't have cetyl so I upped the stearic and added poly20. I used germall plus because that was all I had for a preservative...everything else will be here on Friday...along with my new scale that isn't retarded like the one I have now that weighs to the .5 gram...sheesh..that was interesting.

    Anyway, Queen, you are such a lifesaver! I have been so distraght over trying any of this new stuff...and I joined a forum where, well, let's just say, I Felt like I showed up in daisy duke shorts for cocktails on the whitehouse lawn...I was really afraid to ask for help, because I saw so many people just shredding others who asked for help. Anyway, I am glad I came here....you have been soooooo helpful, I wish people could nominate each other for badges or something, cause I'd nominate you for being so nice and a big help!

  5. Dana, good for you! I can't believe you made ALL those things in ONE DAY!!?!

    I'm addicted too and I don't make any of it yet! (I make CP soap, but not lotions and stuff) I am too scared to make lotions and butters because the preservatives and stuff confuse me. I have been kinda lurking around reading a lot of stuff trying to find out how to do things. I wanted to make a sugar scrub, so I got a recipe (bohunks?) and I made it....it didn't really come with any directions, at least, where I got the recipe from, so I don't even know if I did it right. Guess we'll see in a few weeks if it grows a beard.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me join ya'll and thanks for all the wonderful information ya'll are sharing.


  6. Hi, I'm kinda new at this stuff...I was wondering what temp the oils have to be at before you add the sugar, and on another thread I thought I read where some people were beating their oils and stuff to make it whipped?? Then do they add the sugar?? Sorry, I'm confused, because I was reading about scrubs, and I think I got mixed up into lotions too...lol. Then you let it sit, but do you stir it occasionally? Thanks for your help!

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