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Posts posted by Abbiepql

  1. Maybe there could be a magic scarf or magic mittens? Tabatha is doing NG, OBN and lye from what I heard, check out the FB page she listed it in there. I think we are going to do a clay/mud co-op from NDA and Kim said something about a La cons co-op but I am not for sure, she will list it on the blog I am sure when she decides.

    As for Connie, I know she is busy - I have written her cuz I thought she had said she wanted to come, but I dunno. I only have one table left so if she wants to come we'd love to have her.

  2. Come join us! July 17th, Saturday - Washington, PA. Early registration underway on our blog/website, until March 15th. Save $10 by registering early. We are still working on the day's schedule and have some fun activities planned for Friday evening as well. Seats are limited to 50 and will be available until sold out or June 30th.

    We had a GREAT event last year and look forward to meeting some new crafters, it'a a wonderful group and a really fun time.


    And yes, freebirds are welcome... so long as they are under the care of their handlers at all times!:laugh2:

  3. A couple of potential issues with doing this that I see;

    1. Most of the time diffuser oils are actually FO or EO blended with other types of chemicals, for example DPG to extend them and enable them to be used in that specific type application.

    2. Even if you could use them...are you going to continue buying them from Partylite in order to replicate? That could be very expensive.

    3. I have never heard of tempering FO or EO? You can temper wax...

    If it were me I would sell the gift certficates on Ebay and buy "real" supplies!

  4. From what I can tell by using it - it's an very high priced conditioner that uses emulsification to lift dirt from the hair, there are no soap / detergents so the dirt/hair sebum is removed by breaking it down and rinsing it away with alot of water! In order for it to work you must completely saturate your hair with product, which is very expensive. It weighed my hair down and within a day my extremely dry hair looked oily. I use it sparingly as a conditioner!

  5. Your husband is right... CP soap is not the same as the stuff at the stores! As the posted article points out most commercial soap is not in fact soap, but detergent, so telling him they are the same thing is incorrect. That being said - after explaining the benefits of using your soap, should he continue to choose not, I would drop it - he is an adult - more left for you!

  6. Yeah Gaia is not my fav, but it is nice in soap and I am going to put it in a candle and see. My spa ladies and massage therapist customers love it!

    Native Princess is yummy - I want to do it in soap, lotion and B&B stuff. I am on the fence about candles - don't want to overwhelm my customers with so much new so close to the holidays - we'll see - most likely I will cave and do it in candles too!

  7. Home parties are fun - I don't do them - I have reps that do! I am just not into that thing, but my reps that do them are very sucessful. Google "home sales party ideas" and there are a great many sites out there with all sorts of ideas.

    One thing my reps learned the hard way - have pay and take along with orders. Some people are just impulsive buyers and will want to take - other will be completely okay to sniff a sample and order. Plus, you only have so much strength to be carrying tons of candles!

    They play games - drink heavily and from what I can see - sell mucho candles. I can't wait to see how they do when I have bath/body and soap to sell.

  8. I can´t help it... our tastes are similar? You guys would be surprised at how many she goes through that never make it - or have to be reformulated multiple times. I told her not to tempt me anymore with ones I like unless they have passed all her testing. I thought for sure I would go completely gray before she got the raspberry patch, I know I sniffed at least 8 ¨almosts¨. I am so lovin Winter Festival - that and Harvest Moon will fly out of here I know!

  9. Which ones have I missed? Native princess is appropriate name, it is like an earthy but perfume type, reminds me alot of Angel Perfume with woodsy and patch notes. I was not gaga over it until I burned it - now it´s one I will carry, sexy scent. The Dark Knight is like a souped up Bay Rum, I love it cuz it´s not as heady as Lebermuthś. Midsummers night is AWESOME in soap, can wait to smell in wax. Definately a strong grapefruit jasmine, but the floral component is not as overwhelming as other types I have tried, this one is evenly floral and tart fruit, very uplifting. Let me know if I missed any. LOL Oh Rowan, if you like Spirit you will like this one, it´s a fruit musk combo - I pefer lime to strawberries, but this would be a nice BB fragrance - reminds me of a BBW type scent.

  10. Tabitha - that sounds so pretty. Rhonda does not use color, but I think that oil will automatically drab a green into an olive. The gold mica sounds awesome, any yellow dye will most likely go mustard with that oil, so that would be very kewl! Can´t wait to see it. Get ready for a heavily scented soap room! Bay Citrus is Derrick´s fav!

  11. Wax wise they all throw well in soy, per Rhonda. That being said there are those that go above great into the ¨peel paint category¨ Celestial Sea, Spirit, R. Patch, Saffron Spice, Bay Citrus, Citrus Herbal Thyme, Fairy Garden, Sun & Earth, Winter Festival comes to mind. Enchanted Spice, G.Attraction, Merlin´s Forest are great in soy, but more on the subtle side. I can´t remember the rest, but my testing results are listed on the site - and I test with five very qualified candle critics! HTH

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