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Posts posted by Going2Adopt

  1. Revisiting an old there here but did either of you try the dust cover and like how it looks? I've been debating back and forth about it since I originally read this post and just can't seem to make up my mind. I like the fact that the dust covers are way less expensive. Especially as I know some customers just toss the lid.

  2. Luminous - I've used 464 in clamshells in the past before switching around waxes. It came out of the clamshell fine. However at shows if it gets warm it can melt very easily. I had a few accidents in the past because I would get busy and forget to make sure they weren't getting to soft.

  3. Ladysj, I've been using this jar from DT for sometime and have had no issues thus far. I have torture tested this thing to the max of my ability. My friend actually paints them and put them in her oven to bake the paint and has yet to have one shatter.

    TxSioux - The ones I buy from DT (both in store and online in bulk) come with a label on the bottom that states Made In The USA. I'm attaching a picture of the label on one I have on hand. (Forgot to take the label off before pouring lol) Maybe different DT's get the jars from different sources which is the only reason can think of for you getting one with the GB label. Now if they had the GB label on it I'm like you I wouldn't touch it but then again that's just my personal preference.


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