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Posts posted by Mozzie

  1. the mold is uneven

    I don't use wick pins so have no input on that score but if I understand you correctly about wobbly bottoms (?!) I use someone else's tip and stand my moulds without holders on a cookie cutter so that all the lumpy bit is in the centre of the cutter and the rest of the mould sits evenly on the edges. HTH.

  2. Did these yesterday. I'm not gonna be hard on myself this time. Think they turned out okey dokey. :)
    What's to be hard on yourself about? I'd buy these in a instant, they look so brilliant - love the colours. Not sure what muscadine smells like but I expect that it matches the colours perfectly. BTW did I tell you that I LOVE these candles. :cheesy2:
  3. That looks stunning - what a bummer that you can't repeat the effect. :sad2: Also love the colour of the pillars you've got in the background - very ethereal. Are they chunks, and if so, how did you get them to look so smooth (the patches of colour I mean)?

  4. Thanks for your great information, disappointing tho' it was to hear as I was hoping for much more from both the soy and the palm. :sad2: I think that I'll try a little soy for votives and a little palm for pillars just to see how it works. You guys have just saved me a bundle of money as I normally go gung ho for huge quantities and it would have been so frustrating :angry2: to find that they don't react like paraffin. Thanks again. I love this board. :cheesy2:

  5. I wish I could get the hang of choosing colors that go well together. These are not at all what I was going for. :mad:

    I think that you HAVE chosen colours that go well together. Don't give yourself a hard time just because they didn't turn out the way you expected (hope that I'm listening to this good advice too). LOL. I find that a few days away from the initial result I'm able to look at the candle as it is not how I thought it should be and it's usually much better than I give myself credit for. :) Well that's it from Aunty Mozzie's comfort corner. :cheesy2:

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