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Dana Mae

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Posts posted by Dana Mae

  1. Like I posted, wax is 4627 :)

    ECO6, 4, and 2. ECO2 has had the best flame/mp so far

    HTP 52, and I don't have my paperwork for the zinc...it was whatever CS recommended.

    FO was always 6%. and I used several different types, and have burned several candles of each with different wicks to compare.

    I'm still very much a beginner and learning as I go :)

    All candles smoked/sooted from the get go. Some worse than others, but I didn't know what I could try to keep testing to make it less, or even eliminate it completely.

    Again, I know I haven't tested a zillion wicks yet I tested what was recommended, and the ECO 2 I am happy with except the smoke/soot is still there. Some are a bit better/worse which I am wondering might just be the FO.

    So I thought I might ask those with more experience where I should go from here.

    Thanks for the reply


  2. Hi All,

    I haven't posted as much recently as I have been having fun pouring and testing my container candles.

    Although I finally found a wick that burns like I want.....I keep getting some smoke/soot no matter what I do.

    I have read that some FO's smoke more than others, some wicks do, maybe it is a combination my wax and all of the above... but I don't know what to do or try next if there is a way to totally avoid it.

    wax: 4627

    container: 8oz jj

    I have had the best burn with ECO2 but have also tried HTP (so-so) and Zinc (bad)

    Any insight/suggestions for this newbie would be appreciated!



  3. I think you'll get as many preferences as there are people on this board. :cool2:

    Have you done a search?

    Try doing a search with your type of wax and type of candle and see what people have shared.

    Posting your type of candle and wax will be helpful, as it is all relative.



  4. Thanks for the input, but they are closed for the holidays...and honestly if I knew what I wanted to put into it I'd just order those ingredients lol :tongue2:

    I would still like the satisfaction of "making" it myself......even if from a kit.

    Thanks though I have heard wonderful things about SW and will certainly consider them in the future!:)

    Have a great day and thanks again


  5. I emailed Jen at lotion crafter about the kit. :) She said if I can make soap (yes) than I should be able to make the butter lol!

    I think like you there might be an easier way but the butter I like is an emulsion, and that is more complicated from what I read than just a whipped butter, etc.

    I'm also concerned about the right preservatives, etc.

    I'm still on the fence, lol! I think my biggest drawback from just making my own is trying to decided between all the various butters and oils, and it will be expensive to order all of that, even in small quantities.

    Ah, decisions decisions!

    Anyhow, keep me posted what you end up trying! Thanks for the ideas about the squatty canning jars also!


  6. Wow these are gorgous!!!!

    I've been hedging on whether to buy THIS mold from Paul or just the tiny newbie mini log mold since I'm just starting out and I only make small batches.

    This sure swings things in favor of this particular swirl, although I doubt I can make anything this gorgeous anytime soon!

    Wowsers great job!

    Do you just love the TOG mold?!!~


  7. I was curious as to what size container I should order for my body butter. I'll either be making a butter or a very thick heavy lotion. This is not for resale obviously (my first to make!) but for myself and my mom to use.

    I got looking at all the jars, containers and tubs and got overwhelmed.

    The recipe I'm using makes a total of about 33 oz I think.

    Any help and/or advice on what I should get to try, and the best place to buy in small quantity, would be much appreciated!



  8. This is so encouraging. I really want to make a body butter/cream/heavy lotion and right now that is the ONLY thing I want to make (other than my soap and candles, lol) but I have been totally overwhelmed by all the steps and products and such.

    Your creation looks delish!!




  9. I don't have an answer for you, but you might want to try a search with body butter in the title. I myself started a similar thread just a week or so ago because I am wanting something similar to the body butter that the Body Shop sells.

    That said, after all my reading and searching I am totally confused as to what to do! lol

    I have not really seen a body butter base, but if you want to try making one, lotion crafter makes a body butter kit:


    It sounds a lot like what I'd like to make. However, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the process of it all and all the ingredients!

    Hope this, and any subsequent searches help. There are quite a few threads on here about butters. :)

    Let us know what you'd try.....I know I'd like to know what you find!



  10. Hi Vio :) I'm glad you are enjoying the test process.

    I'm doing 3 hour burns on mine with a complete cool down in between.

    So far, with the same container and fo/wax combo I've made 7 different candles with various wicks. I like to burn them at the same time and compare when I can.

    Now that more wicks have arrived Ifinally) I can test some more this weekend!

    Although still a complete and total newbie I feel like I learn and understand just a wee bit more with every test. I've got a long way to go, that's for sure, but hoping the new wick size I want to pour this weekend will be JUST the ticket lol~

    Keep us posted on how you are doing. I really learn a lot from other new people who share their experiences....good and bad.



  11. Yay Dana!!! Have you taken pictures to show yet? Would love to see some of the ones you've done. I don't remember seeing them yet. I have a pad and pen all ready to start testing burn! :) LOL

    Nah, I didn't take any pictures. Just plain ole 8oz jj......LOTS of notes and many wicks later, I'll be pouring more this weekend that I hope will be THE wick for this jar/wax/fo combo!

    Yours is lovely :)


    ps I'd be happier not using jj. I chose them b/c they were recommended as beginner shape/size, and they were cheap. But.....I am not a jj fan lol. So they burn good and smell delicious but I don't like to look at them (pout)

  12. I tried the Fragrances by Design Pure Grace and so far (in CP soap) I am very disappointed.....even OOB it is definitely off. I was hoping for better results in soap. Perhaps lotion?

    I am ultra picky as I wear the original scent myself, and was hoping for a great dupe. So far I feel this is not anywhere near the real thing in scent.

    Anyone else have tips/ideas? The Amazing Grace and Baby Grace are much more close to the real thing OOB, although I haven't used them yet. I adore that clean, soap and water smell that Pure Grace has.

    Sigh, I am SO disappointed. :(


  13. Yea! I'm so excited for you! I'm starting along with you and I'm a candle pouring wick testing machine lol. I have made SO many already just trying to get the wick just right, etc. I so admire all the chandlers here, it is a LOT of work but I love love love it!

    I too thank all of you for giving me such a good head start! :yay:


  14. I can't speak for the other fragrances but I just got all 3 of the Philosophy dupes.

    I normally wear Philosophy Pure Grace as perfume, I don't know if I can say the dupe is dead on, but it is good.

    I just cp'ed with it this weekend and both my batches failed miserably lol. Let me say though that it was a new receipe I tried as well as my second time soaping (1st time went perfect lol). I am going to try again tomorrow.

    Amazing and Baby Grace smell dead on OOB. I am going to revisit Pure Grace because that is my fave and I really wanted it in soap and lotion/body butter.

    Glad to hear all the other reviews as well!



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