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Posts posted by Vio

  1. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61968

    Post # 2 in tutorial....

    Take a small bowl and add 3 TBS of olive oil. Microwave until warm, a minute or less. Add 3 tsp of dried parsley. If you have a food processor or grinder, you can grind it first. Stir, cover and place in a sunny window until tomorrow. We will be using the parsley oil to color our soap.

    Do that the day before, then when she gets to the adding color part, you use that mixture.

    Post # 15

    When the oils go from clear to opaque (the soap will be thin), pour some into a measuring cup or bowl for coloring. I poured about one third of the soap into a measuring cup after about 5 minutes of the whisk. If you want to, you can use the stick blender if you feel you are not making progress. I did not. If you do, use it in short blasts, hand stirring with the stick blender in between.

    I did this recipe and didn't strain the dyed oil. Just make sure you make the parsley liuke powder in a grinder if you have one. Coffee grinder works well. :)

  2. Thank you! I just measured an 8 oz ball jar I found. I forgot I had it. LOL It was like 2 1/2 inches and I can get those from Ace Hardware locally so I sent in that size to them, and the 3 inch for my Madison jars. I can't wait to try these wick holders. They look so cool! LOL :)

  3. I won the egg hunt day 1 and one of the prizes was some WickCenteringTool products. Well they contacted me and said if I don't do pillars, I can get more of the container tools instead in sizes I'd need. Now I do only 1 container so far which is 3 inch diameter. I don't know any other containers but I know wicking over 3 inches is harder. My question would be, what other sizes would be a good investment to mention in what they should send me? Like what's an average mason jar diameter for instance? Like ones you'd get from Walmart.

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