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Everything posted by sparkette

  1. I followed everyone's advice on here and got a whole bunch of different wicks. Many sample packs. I'm so happy! I wasn't expecting them until tomorrow! Off to experiment.... wish me luck! #1 experiment, CD wicks!
  2. I actually had a candle do that too this week. When I look straigt down on my candle the wick is off center. As the candle burned the stuff on the side melted as normal. So that's my guess too... your wick is off center.
  3. Nope!!! LOL, it was just square-braided no zinc. My bad! :embarasse
  4. I have stuff from Bitter creek coming in on Tuesday. I'm excited.
  5. Yup. Washington State. Believe me, the shipping is already killing me but I want the best of the best, ya know?
  6. I had it written down in my notebook but I lost it. How do I figure how much FO my wax will hold? Example: if the 4630 I am getting in the mail on Tuesday can hold 9%, how do I figure that per pound?
  7. I am just curious as to what some of you choose for your candles and why? I have EcoSoy flakes coming in on Tuesday and I am excited as heck to try something new. I am thinking this Swans Company I am using isn't that good with supplies. Their wicks aren't working for me and no one seems to know what the heck I am talking about when I mention this Coconut Blend Wax they have. I had a baby powder 4" jar made with it burn pretty good yesterday though. So I am undecided on it. I have read alot of you posting about Peak's and Bitter Creek, both of which I have supplies ordered with. What about a good paraffin wax? Thanks so much!
  8. Thank you so much. That helps alot. It's frustrating trying to figure this out. I have to melt down a candle tonight because the appearance on the jar is nasty and have to try again.
  9. I am not finding much information about wicking at all, I have bought two books... The Candlemakers Companion and A Guide to Candlemaking, and neither say much about actually choosing wicks. I am starting to wonder if it is not the wick that is the problem but this darn Coconut Wax I am using. How fast should my melt pool grow? If there is still wax on the sides of the container does that mean the wick is too small? Is there a "wick generator sizer" online anywhere. Thanks to all that relpies.
  10. That's the size it says on my package. It's a square braided wick. Did I do something wrong?
  11. What are the different techniques in measuring color from a color block? I have two different types here, one is pre-measured by 1/8's and the other is a 2x2 block with no measuring instructions. How the heck do I know how much to add?
  12. I am assuming by double wicking you mean putting two wicks in the candle in separate places? I have not yet heard that term and am unfamiliar with it's meaning and purpose. What is double wicking? It was only a small jar, the mouth being 2 inches. I used a square braid from a place I buy from, SwanS. 60-44-18 Zinc cored.
  13. What do you all do with the extra wax that is left over from a bum test burn? I burnt the candle down to the bottom but there is still lots left on the outer edges. I was going to just toss is out but that seems like such a waste to me. Any suggestions? Should I change the wick and make it into votives?
  14. I used to have 28 oz. "Terrace" (Round) style jars but I am leanring that smaller jars are better because as you test burn if it doesn't come out right there is less wasted wax. Besides no matter what I do the candles just look gross in those jars! I have a 5 sided hex jar I like and small 8 oz apothecary. I am doing well with these.
  15. For all of your advice, tips and info. It has really helped. I realize that I am no where near selling my candles but after a few temper tantrums and "swearing" I am going to quit making them, I have yet to give up. I am seriously addicted to this. I have noticed that when I am not making a candle, I am running the process of making it in my head, thinking of different ways to modify the recipe to make it better and so on. Someone told me that when they look into my eyes they see burning candles!!! LOL! Just playing! I have been noting everything and have already gone through a single subject notebook in four days!!!! You all are awesome and I appreacite you!
  16. That was actually my 5th renovitioon on that one candle. The first had little scent throw, the second was too oily, the third the wick kept going out, fourth was more than one issue and finally... with the little tweeking of my recipe, a change of wick, and a different spot in my house to set... it seemed to work and now is off to a friend to test burn. 8 oz. apothcary Jar
  17. It was awesome!!!!!!! OMG it smelled so good. I put it on 8 oz. soy candle that I tested on another fragrance and it was really nice. I love the smell of baby powder and the vanilla gave it a "warm" touch, if you know what I mean. I give it a thumbs up!
  18. I was just wondering if anyone has tried this combination 2 part baby powder, 1 part vanilla. It smelled so good when I mixed it and poured it! Hopefully it burns good too!
  19. I produced a decent candle!!!! I love it! Yep, before ya ask, test burned it and every thing. I got kind of scared becaust it got a wet spot on one side but I just warmed the spot with a hair dryer and poof... it was gone! Good wick, good melt pool and excellent scent throw! I'm on my way!!!!
  20. #1 - how do I use wick pins on votives #2 - has anyone used powder dye? I bought two this morning and used blue and melted my wax to 170 but it still didn't melt the dye. What happened?
  21. HA ha ha ha. LOL... That was a good one! ya got me on that one!
  22. I was figuring it was going to take me a year to get the hang of it to where I could start selling them but I have hope. I first thought this was going to be easy. What a fool I was! But now I'm addicited. Unfortunately, there are no classes taught in my small town. I wish I would have known that now. I have already found about 8 sites, including this one, that I am getting a lot of info off. And I have ordered some books online. Also, Not sure if any knows this but Michael's Crafts is useless!!!! I went over there to ask about wicks and they had no idea what i was talking about! Just one more question.... I promise. What do they call us candle makers in the professional world? Isn't it chandleir?
  23. Everyone has given me such good advice and I appreciate it all. As you can see from my other threads. I was just wondering how long you have been doing this to get so wise. I have learned more here than anywhere else. Are there any books you'd suggest?
  24. Do you make one candle wax at a time, wait a couple days then test and then make a whole batch or do most of you ol' timers (lol) make several different batches at a time. Are bath and body products as time consuming?
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