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Burnt Mill

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Posts posted by Burnt Mill

  1. I am going to try and crank out another batch of cp soap(hopefully my new Berts FO will be in today)

    but my main project for awhile is to get a new shopping cart built for my website as well as update the new soaps I have made and haven't got up on it yet.

    I also need to add the ornies to the site as well

    so for me it is going to be a website weekend

    I ended up with a tiny break in the holiday orders as my big client went on vacation before she got her and her DIL's orders in to me.

  2. in my the gift basket making class I took last week

    the teacher said that things like that plate standing up makes a great backwall. It also gives you a high point for the cello and the place to put the bow.

    or her other suggestion would be to ditch the basket and just use the plate to hold the stuff

    yours look nice, great colors

  3. Hope you like them! The 2 I've used from your list threw great for me in my 50/50 (Paradise and Redwood and Cedar)

    What kind of wax do you use?

    I am thinking of some of these to be more for cp soap, also searching for some ocean type scent that will go good with my surfboard ornies.

    I still might toss some into candles as well, I use just the basic pillar wax(genwax 145) from genwax.com they are a wholesale place down the street from me

  4. samething happens when I cut my cp soap

    not every bar and not everytime

    I push the back end up against the wall and that helps some but it still happens

    I go slow and I think I have it straight going down just comes out wrong, I usually end up making small trims trying to get it even again before cutting the next bar

    I am having my dad build one of those professional cutters that uses piano type wire and cuts the whole log at 1 time

    I can't take the uneven bars anymore I even thought getting that guide would help rather then doing it free hand but no luck for me

  5. actually am I blind I don't see where to sign up for your newsletter on your website

    I have read(marketing books) they say it is best to mention the join email list in as many places as you can on the website. that tends to make people more likely to sign up

    I know I need to work on that on my site

  6. I have about the same luck I think it just takes time to build up a following

    I have about 3 on my list which isn't great either

    I also started a blog but it is hard to tell if anyone really is interested in reading it often. I can see I have views just not how many would be repeat viewers

    still 1 person on your list is better then none and you have to start somewhere

    if you do craft shows take a list and get the people to put the email addresses on there. I think that might speed up your list faster.

    I don't do craft shows yet myself so I have to tough it out

  7. hey there is a great post on the BC message boards that goes over the differences between soy and paraffin

    and if you had the info you might be able to fend off that person idea's about how bad paraffin is bad

    do a search in the candles etc. section

    the thread was titled questions about paraffin dated 10/5/07

    Leo's post a few down on it is great!

    I sorta ran into this issue myself this weekend which is what sent me searching for that post. I needed to arm myself better for the next time I get hit with the soy thing.

  8. I know the last time I went to update and add a few new buttons in paypal I had to click more button options to find what use to be the standard button I used.

    I myself am in the process of getting the mals shopping cart up and running so I can use it when I get propay in the next week or two

    so far it hasn't been too hard to set it up

    you can give it a try setting up a cart as it is free and you don't have to add anything to your site if you don't like it.

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