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Posts posted by brown5052

  1. I made a excel spreadsheet that basically all I have to do is put in the amount of an item that I want to make and I then get the amounts of wax, fragrance oil and dye that I should use. I tried to find away to upload it here, but can't. The spreadsheet was made for my use and if anyone would like to see if it would work for them, they can email me and I'll send a copy that way. I color coded it and put in a few instructions to help, but I'm not the best teacher. So if your confused, you can get in touch and I'll try to explain better. This spreadsheet has saved me so much time and once I got it set up, I don't even have to think about it.

  2. I would just go to the dollar store, get one of those $1.00 cookie sheets (with a small lip). Pour your wax in one of those, while the wax is still slightly warm, cut into small cubes. Store the wax in zip lock bags. Then you could use any amount desired and could even mix the fragrances if you wanted.

  3. My current host is no longer going to store credit card numbers for off-line processing. I don't want to get anything like authorize.net (credit card merchant), because they cost so much and ProPay is inexpensive and easy to use. I already have PayPal and Google, but I still have a lot of customers that just want to use their credit card without going threw PP or Google. I've been searching around and found two carts that I could purchase, CS Cart and Pinnacle Cart. Has anyone tried these carts? What's your opinion?



  4. As for the famous C&D letter save your money it is only good if you really intend to take the person to court and it doesn't always deter that kind of people. Many of them have done this before and know that there is nothing you can do unless you are willing to spend a truck load of money.

    But you can do something about it. During our last (Craft Server) down time, I had someone steal one of my pictures, put it on her website and facebook page. There was even a review done by a blogger using my picture about her products. I know for a fact it was my picture because I have a very distinct photography style. Since Craft Server was unavailable, I couldn't come here for help. But I did remember this post because it was started before Craft Server went down and so I at least had some sort of idea on what to "Google". I found this article which I found very interesting.


    I had also saved the link that someone else here had already previously posted.


    So the First Thing I did was research what I could do about it with Google using the link that I had saved before Craft Server went down. I went to http://www.google.com/support/bin/static.py?page=ts.cs&ts=1114905 which is filing a DMCA Complaint and seen what I had to do

    I then went to her facebook page, found my picture and on the bottom left side of the picture is a link on reporting a photo. Found out I had to first "Like" her facebook page to report her. I read what I had to do there to report her.

    I then went to http://www.whois.net to find out her host. I went to her host and read the Hostmonster.com Terms of Service http://www.hostmonster.com/cgi/info/terms.html Found the area that pertain to her stealing my photo. (9. PROHIBITED USES. 06 Violations of Intellectual Property Rights.)

    Next I went to her face book page and left comments where my picture was that if they wanted to see the original picture they could follow the link I left to my website where my picture was and that this person did not have permission to use my photo. I sent the gal who stole my picture an message that she needed to take down my photo or I would report her to face book. Didn't Work. So I reported her to facebook. That Worked!

    I also went to her Website and sent her a message that I wanted her to take my photo off of her website or I would report her to Google gave her the link so she could see what I was going to do. Didn't Work. Reported her to Google then sent her another message that I had reported her Google as promised and my next step would be to file a complaint with her Website host that she had stole my picture and sent her a link to her where she could find about the part that pertained to her stealing my picture and told her to go a little further and read about HostMonsters Copy Infringement Notice. THAT WORKED! Picture taken down!

    I also went to the Bloggers page found where to contact her. Sent her an email explaining that the picture was mine and that the person she did the review about didn't have my permission to use the picture and sent her a link where the picture was on my website. Not a problem. Picture was down within hours!

    This process took me about two days! And if it wasn't for this Post already being started, I don't think I would have been able to take care of it so quickly! :yay::yay::yay:

  5. I totally agree!! Instead of making people think they no longer carry the items.. Out of Stock would be the smart thing to put on the site??

    IDK ~ You would think the suppliers would want to keep the biz they have instead of making people search all around for dupes?? I just don't get it???

    This is why I'm fazing out their fragrances from my line! I never know if they are out of stock or if they are no longer carrying it. When they do discontinue, there's no warning. It just goes away! Other suppliers at least let you know when something is being discontinued. If they at least give you some sort of warning you can buy enough to tide you over until you find a replacement instead of this no warning.

  6. oops forgot attachment

    I tried that and it was a pain in the @$$. I quickly went back to using sandwich bags and snipping the corner which ended up being much easier. When I do larger amounts, I also use a freezer bag. I find to fill the baggy with lotion all I do is place the bag in a coffee mug, fold the opening over the mug rim and put the lotion in.

  7. I had ordered a mold from them and after about 3 weeks I decided to call them to see how much longer it would take. I did get someone and she told me that she had been really sick (she sounded really sick, lots of coughing) and hadn't made any molds for about a month. She had just went to the doctor and had gotten some meds and would be making molds once the meds start taking effect. It took about a month more and I finally received my mold about 10 days ago. So I know that she is making molds again, but is most likely very behind on her orders!

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