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Posts posted by singleyellowrose

  1. Once it firms up, you are going to have to trim the excess off the tops (around the edges)

    Then take a SS putty knife and literally cut out each bar. Meaning go around each side of each bar with the dividers still in place.

    Once you do that, you SHOULD be able to get the Rectangular part of the mold off.

    Then just slide something flat under each bar and take them off the slab.

    Once you get enough of them off, you MAY be able to take out some if not all of the dividers.

    And then..........................


    ETA: Nice swirlies!!!

  2. :shocked2:

    18 bar Kelsie takes approximately 60oz of oils.

    That depends though on your water discount, additional additives, and your cured bar size.

    I made salt bars once in my 18 bar Kelsie and didn't account for the salt.

    They were interesting to remove.

    But I did let them harden ALOT before I even attempted.

    Since it was a new mold, did you happen to grease it with a bit of mineral oil first?

    Good Luck!!!

  3. Could you pick a harder one? LOL!

    I really pick up the clove in this but I think it makes me think of

    Robin Hood

    Merry Band of Men (or Merry Men ... though that might be perceived oh ... gayish)


    Nottingham Forest

    Men in green tights

    (You see where I'm going lol)

    OK now let's take a look at Robin Hood characters ... I so want to make this into soap now because of ya! Ha!


    I haven't had time to make it yet!! :sad2: BUT... I do like Robin Hood. Can I use that though?

    Keep lookin....

  4. I can't use Thieves since it's a brand name.

    The soap will be Cyprus Green from TKB with ivory shreds. I'm making it tonite, so I will post a pic tomorrow.

    Here's the description:

    This unique fragrance has citrusy lemon, mint and eucalyptus with a dash of sweet cinnamon leaf and rounding it out is rosemary and clove.


  5. My favorite mold is my Silvermoon Log. Unfortunately I only have one.:sad2:

    My second favorites are my Kelsie's.

    I don't have any other molds except those 2 kinds.

    I would LOVE to get my hands on a few woodfields silicone logs though.

    Mebbe for Christmas!

    Santa bought me a hobby quick cutter last year. Think he will buy me some of these this year?


    I would like to get the molds only. I can build my own box and not have to pay to ship the wood to me.

  6. WooHooo!!!!!:yay:

    I got a reply about the Meadow FO.

    Here it is:

    I apologize for the confusion. We originally identified the Meadow fragrance incorrectly. It is skin safe, so you can use it in your bath/body products. We're in the process of re-labeling the bottles now.

    I gotta soap this tomorrow to see how it plays. I really like this scent.

  7. I checked the review board first... it doesn't have what I am looking at from there.

    My list is:

    Vanilla Lace


    Brown Sugar & Fig

    The ones that I found on the review board and/or a search from here are:

    Cranberry Marmalade

    Sage and Pomegranate

    Lemon Verbena

    Apples and Maple Bourbon

    Himalayan Bamboo

    and a couple of others that are for wax only.

    When I ordered the sample of Meadow, it said candles only. But it is now listed on the site as B&B safe.

    I did email them and ask if the sample I got from the sale was also B&B safe. I am awaiting a reply.

    I have the violet lime. I only ever tried it in wax and it didn't sell worth a diddly.

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