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Everything posted by mysticglow

  1. Yeah, me too!!! ..and Sugar Cookie - what else do you call a sugar cookie!! Kidding, I did rename that one but it still stinks that such simple words can be claimed by one company!
  2. Thank you both for your reply. You have given me some very good suggestions to think on.
  3. Nice work on the hurricane. You have a beautiful family.
  4. I need a new name for a couple of trademarked scents. Juniper Breeze and Sweet Pea I really stink at trying to rename scents. So, does anyone have a creative suggestion for either of these? TIA for your thoughts. Judy
  5. Would you mind sharing what % of soy you are using? Pretty please.
  6. I've been playing around with adding soy to 4627 but haven't found the right % yet. I love the scent throw of 4627 wax but not fond of the way it looks in my jars. I tried soy @ 25% too and found the scent throw to be weaker than with 4627 alone. I'm testing a couple of candles this weekend @ 10% and 15% soy. Hoping one of those will work out. I don't know if that helps any but I'll let you know how the other ones work out. Good luck to you on your testing. Judy
  7. I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere but I have a "Blanket Certificate of Resale" issued by the state - dept. of revenue and I have to give a copy of it to my suppliers. I also require the wholesale accounts that I have to send me a copy of theirs to have on file. This is required by the state according to my bookkeeper and as I have read the exemption certificate. So, maybe you can check with your dept. of revenue. HTH
  8. Thank you both for your reply. Guess I'm going to make soap.
  9. I mixed up my lye and water on Thursday night for a batch of soap that I had planned to make on Friday afternoon. However, things came up and I didn't get a chance to make any soap this weekend. The lye solution has been sitting there since Thursday night, 3+ days. Is it still ok to use or should I just start over? TIA, Judy
  10. For Craft's Sake That's where I got mine too. I love it and I think it only cost like $7 or so.
  11. Thank you Carol That one sounds interesting. I only have a couple of the ingredients though. Guess I need to order more supplies. I would prefer to make something without water for now.
  12. Thanks, I appreciate your help. I may check into that but would really like to make something myself.
  13. That's what I am using currently but was considering the second line because I've got two teens in the house and they pretty much keep the phone tied up most of the time. I have call waiting but then it's always the kids that answer. I just don't want to seem unprofessional to potential customers. KWIM? :undecided
  14. I have only used shea for my body butter but my best bud really wants a body butter made with soy. I have done some research but can't find what I'm looking for. Does any one have a recipe they would be willing to share with me? Or maybe point me in the direction of some info on the subject. TIA
  15. I have debated whether or not to get a seperate phone line for my business. Just curious how many have seperate lines. Has it proven to be an asset to your business or just another expense? I know it's not really that costly but as I'm a fairly new company I'm not making the big bucks, yet! :DJust wanted to get your opinions on the matter. TIA for any input you have to offer. Judy
  16. I use "WE" on everything. My DH, builds my soap molds and anything else I need. My son carries all those heavy packages upstairs to my shop and my daughter is my number one product tester. So, we are a team - a company of four. Although, I am the ONLY one up until 2:00 am pouring candles. :rolleyes2
  17. I have no idea how to do any of this! :embarasse I bought the domain name because I wanted it to be mine for when I did get a website designed. However, because I work one full time job and one part time job and the candle biz, I have not had the time to do my homework "website design for dummies" so getting it up ASAP might be a bit difficult. I will get busy ASAP and try to figure it outthough. I am just very stressed out about this whole thing. Thanks for the advice. I truely appreciate it. Judy
  18. Got my soap Saturday from wildangel112. Sorry, I didn't post that I got it yet. I was planning on posting a picture but the camera was in Gulf Shores with my DD. The soap smells great, the name was pretty cool too. What scent is that? Haven't got to try it out yet but maybe tonight. Thanks, Rena
  19. Thanks Georgia My domain name is registered. It has been for several months but I don't have it up and running yet. This company has the same name with 'candles' added to the end. Not sure how long they have been in business or even where they are located. It does not say on the site. I am registered in my state but that's it.
  20. I have my business name and I have had my business license for about a year. I did a search to see if my name was being used, it was not that I could find. My sis calls today to tell me that my website looks good! Ummm, what website??? I don't have it ready yet. Well, guess what? There is a business with MY name and they have a website with my name. Now what do I do? I am so upset right now. I don't want my customers to think it's me or that I am them. Nothing against their company but you know what I mean, right? This is just soooo frustrating. I spent a LOT of time trying to name my biz. Trying to find a name that wasn't already in use. What should I do? Change my biz name? Carry on as I am and deal with it later if it becomes an issue? Come on all you experts PLEASE help me out here. Any advice to offer to me?
  21. What are the legal requirements for labeling the size of the product? For instance if you use a 9 oz. jar that only holds 7.5oz. of wax, do you label it as 9oz. OR 7.5oz.? I thought I understood that it was by contents only but have noticed that many list by the jar size. I am finishing up testing on a new jar and wanted to be sure how to list the size before I add this to my line. TIA for your help. Judy
  22. Congrats!! Sending good vibes your way.>>>>>>>>> :highfive:
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