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Posts posted by earthfriendly

  1. Anyone knows who carries this scent? I have smelled this scent from a couple candle companies one of them being Root Candles and the other one Himalayan Trading Post there was another company but I can't remember the name.

    I love both scents! It can be either Ginger Patchouli, or Patchouli Ginger. I have not been able to find a fragrance company that carries it.


  2. Hi Scented, yes I love the jars with the black lids. Did you see the Pumkin jars they are adorable and I also like their Lantern jars. I'm guessing most of these jars are made in China.

    A couple of their new scents sound really good like the Mountainside Lodge, Rustic Woodland Fig, Pops Pipe and of course the one you mentioned Sandalwood & Cedar!!

    I purchased one of their Lantern candles a couple years ago at a flea mkt just because I like the jar and it really smelled good.

  3. Did she happen to tell you if it's the original formula? The one they lost?

    If so, thanks for posting. It's the best patchouli I've ever used and I'm a patch ho.

    I'll email her.

    Thanks so much.

    You're welcome SoW, sorry I didn't have time to respond yesterday that the formula was indeed the same one.

  4. I bought an enormous glass jar with a black metal lid at a thrift store for $2. I thought it was really cool with 2 sheep on a primitive looking label. On the bottom it had a caution sticker with the name Goose Creek. I went to their sight and found this same jar candle 64 ozs!! They sell for $56, then I saw where they have a 2 gallon size candle for $160. I did see the 64 oz ones going for $48 on e-bay.

    I couldn't imagine making a candle that big, but now that I have the jar who knows it might be kind of fun the 64 oz not the 2 gallon one!! LOL Has anyone here ever made or burned a candle that big? Can you imagine trying to figure out the correct wicking, it would need a minumum of four wicks I would think. :shocked2:

    Would love to hear from anyone who has purchased one of these, they are really nice looking.

  5. If it is financial I wish that at least they could bring in a couple at a time then add more later! Just a thought, or sell their old formula to another supplier and let them reformulate them. If he is ill I wish him the best and that he gets well soon.

  6. Ditto, what Stella & Noodle said above. I was thinking the same thing when I saw how little you know about the candle business. Not trying to be mean or put you down, but it would be a waste of your money to invest in a business you know little of. There are a lot of candle and fragrance suppliers that have been around a long time that have gone out of business due to the economy.

    It would probably be a good idea to take advantage of the slow economy to learn everything there is to making candles, not to mention the tremendous amount of money it will cost you while you are learning. It is a lot of fun, hard work, time consuming and expensive, but if after all this hard work you still want to open your own business then you will feel confident doing so and I wish you luck and success.

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