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Posts posted by Jamers

  1. I ordered some cotton core wicks from Peak Candles. The wicks are labeled C-30(smallest) all the way up to C-85 (largest). I can't find anything on which of these sizes to use in a 2 1/2 - 3" canning jar. All of the cotton core wicks that I can find on this forum or other websites are labeled different than these. Any suggestions? I would love to try a candle tonight, but I may just have to wait until I can talk to someone from Peak. Any suggestions?

  2. I get to make my first candle tonight!! Yee haw! My jar sizes are 2-3" in diameter. I will use a RRD-37 in one and the other.....well, I'm not sure what size to use with the cotton-core wicks for the 2-3" diam. jar. The sizes of these particular wicks range anywhere from C-30 to C-85. It looks like the C-50, C-55, C-60, C-65, or C-70 would be possibilities. I can't find any cotton-core wicks that are labeled like this. I've been checking various wick charts. Any suggestions? Thank You!!

  3. Thanks for the ideas. There IS so much to think about when a person's just getting started. I'm going to go with Peak Candles, as they're halfway close to Montana, they have good shipping prices, and it looks like they have good products. Choosing what kind of a wick has been hard for me, and I've read such mixed reviews on this forum. Some people like a certain wick, while others have a different preference.....so, I think I'm going to pick two different types and get the wick kits. I can take it from there. Here we go....

  4. I would make my candles in canning jars in a heartbeat if I knew that they would sell okay. As a matter of fact, they would probably be a lot easier to access around here. The closest place (with a WalMart) is an hour away, and the only way I can get any other kind of container (besides a canning jar) is by ordering online. I walked right past boxes of those jars yesterday. Does one kind of container sell better than another (jars vs. apoth.)?

  5. Thanks for taking the time to answer some of my questions. I did find a supplier that is near enough to Montana so that the shipping charges aren't quite so bad. A number of people on this forum have mentioned them.....Peak Candles. I did get to talk to a gal from there earlier today, and she was quite helpful. I'm going to go ahead and start out with with two or three different kinds of wax in 10# slabs. From what I've read, it seems that their fragrances work really well, so we'll see..... The only thing I have to figure out is what containers I want to use. Eventually, I think I want the apothecary type style, with a lid. I want to get a couple different sizes "down pat", so I'm not sure if I should start out with my canning jars, or if I need to get some ordered--of the kind they'll eventually be in, so that I can see how it truly works in that exact size. Any suggestions? I appreciate the input I've been getting. Thanks!

  6. I had a couple of questions before I placed my very first order! 1. I'm new at this, and was thinking it would be fun to try and sell these at our local farmer's market this summer. Is this a far fetched dream for a beginner? From what I've read on this forum, it takes A LOT of time and money before a person's even ready to start selling them. Any thoughts on this? 2. More than once, I've read that it's smart to start out with a starter kit. If I have intentions of wanting to make more, is it a bad idea to start out with 50# of wax (soy wax)? Is it too "iffy" to order that much of one kind of wax (Ecosoya CB 135) when you're a beginner? 3. I do have some canning jars I could use initially. How do those sell? If I plan on using a different kind of container in the future, would it better to just get started with that kind of a container?

    I think I've had the thought that I could just order my supplies, start making my candles (after all of the hours I've spent reading on making them), then take some to the market this summer! Is this realistic, or are you having a good chuckle right now?

    Please let me know any thoughts....from experience! Thanks!!

  7. Yes, I just posted a few minutes ago....introducing myself to this forum. Now, I'm already asking a question!! :) I'm totally new at this candle making thing. I've spent quite a few hours these last couple of days browsing around on the computer....learning and trying to find a place to get my candle making supplies from. I'm hoping that I can try and sell a few, so I'm looking to get started in a small way so that I can test a few things out. Then, I could start ordering in slightly larger quantities (i.e. 50# wax). My only dilemma is my location compared to all of the suppliers out there. I'm from Southwestern Montana, and the shipping prices have been unbelievable! I'm not sure what to do and how to make this new candle making adventure somewhat profitable, with the price it costs to get supplies here. Any suggestions? Thank You!!

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