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Posts posted by Jadryga

  1. Ahhhhhhh HAHAHAHAHA Oh I love silly people.....it would take too much time to make potato salad??? Puh-Lease!! And a sack of potatoes and a jar of mustard is cheap! I've spent a few thousand dollars on my "simple" business. I used to get really mad at my mom and my aunts, when they would say "wow, you're really getting into this little hobby of yours"...My mom came and helped me out at a craft show recently, and after going down to the basement to my "mad scientist lab", and seeing everything I have going on, and seeing how much money I made at that craft fair...she shut up real quick. If she hadn't, I would have told her to come and help me test out some new stuff next time I get some. That would have worked. She actually thought I bought a few pounds of wax at a time and microwaved it...ha.ha.ha. My grandma got "inspired" by my undertaking when I started, and melted down all her old 1/2 inch candles, and put crayons in them for color, poured them into baby food jars, and said "look I can make candles too"...Yeah, ok, grandma....let's see how it burns.... Then she, too, saw my work area and inventory, and has been bragging to all her friends about her granddaughter, "the successful entrepreneur"...once people realize how hard we work on stuff, and how much time, effort, energy, and brainpower goes into this, they're shocked. Wow, that felt good to rant a little bit... :D

    Everything I want to say has been said right here. :yes:

  2. I can't remember what SFIC stands for, but a simple search on "SFIC soap bases" should get you quite a few hits.

    Most MP soap bases use sulfates (sodium laureth sulfate, etc) for added lather, so they're more like syndet (synthetic detergent) bars, so not quite considered SOAP soap. SFIC doesn't use any syndets so they're as close to "real" soap as MP gets.

    Ingredients list for SFIC from http://www.candleandsoapstuff.com/sfic.html :

    Coconut Oil

    Palm Oil

    Castor Oil

    Safflower Oil

    Glycerine (kosher, of vegetable origin)

    Purified Water

    Sodium Hydroxide (saponifying agent)

    Sorbitol (from berries, moisturizer)

    Sorbitan oleate (emulsifier)

    Soybean protein (conditioner)

    Titanium Dioxide (mineral whitener used in opaque soaps)

    Ingredients for Nature's Garden MP soap from website:

    Coconut oil, sodium cocoate, sodium palmitate, sodium laurate, sodium stearate, glycerin, sodium laureth sulfate, propylene glycol, titanium dioxide, sorbitol, triethanolamine, water.

    I just looked through the Brambleberry site and realized that the ingredient lists for their MP soaps are identical to SFIC's. I could've sworn they'd used syndet bars once upon a time, but I guess either I've got rusty memory or they've switched to SFIC :D

    Anyhow, SIFC Corp has a very high minimum order quantity, so usually people buy them in bulk to resell. There are lots of small soap suppliers out there who supply SFIC bases.

    There was an SFIC co-op that got canceled a month or two ago... was supposed to be taken up again by someone or the other, but never happened. Maybe you could try a few lbs from a retailer first, then keep an eye out for the co-op for later :)

    There's lots of MP discussions here, so just browse through the Soapmaking section. You should learn a lot.

  3. For some reason, this thread is doing weird things like posting 3 times then making the posts disappear so I think I'm crazy... but anyway...

    If your skin's real sensitive you might want to stay away from the sulfates. Maybe try SFIC bases? They're as "natural" as MP gets, and generally regarded as the cream of the MP crop, especially their shea butter and goat's milk bases. If you're worried about greasiness, try adding some clay! My friends have had great results with rhassoul.

    How about... 1lb goat's milk base, 1oz extra oil, 1oz rhassoul clay, 1oz honey or agave nectar? Just tossing some ideas out, this isn't an established recipe :)

    Either way, have fun!

  4. When you use lindseys can you sell them as your own with your name. I will have to see what I need to make my own from scratch but I have 3 kids so it may be easier to use a premade. Any other companies with premade that is good.

    Yep! Lindsay's stuff can be repackaged and sold as your own. Her lotion bases are condensed, so they ship to you with a water discount (less shipping fees!). You reconstitute them with water, according to your liking. Less water means a thicker cream, more water makes lotion. She can also make a custom lotion base for you if you want something that's "all yours" :)

    She also has some great lip balm bases. You can get some samples from her to try first!

    Other base companies are Bittercreek North... wench has already mentioned Essentials by Catalina... there's Brambleberry, Wholesales Supplies Plus, Oregon Trails... there's a LOT out there. I suggest trying them yourself and seeing what you like. Some prefer a light or waxy lotion, others like a heavier and silkier lotion, so it's best to go with your own instinct.

  5. Research is your best friend :D

    Firstly, decide what you want to try first, then read as much as you can about it. For example, for lotions a simple search on google with terms like "lotionmaking", "make your own lotion", "how to make lotion", or "lotion recipes" will give you a mountain of information.

    After you're done with the basic tutorials, go through this board, and read... if possible... everything! There are a lot of side questions asked along the years here that aren't covered in basic tutorials, and reading through them will help you.

    For things like insurance, etc, read through the "Business Section" of this board. I live in Malaysia, so I can't help you there :)

  6. There are good bases and crappy bases, and the same goes for stuff made from scratch. It's really a personal preference. You may find you really like having complete control over your ingredients, or you may find it much more convenient to start with a good base, and customize that to your liking. If you put a lot of care and effort into researching and fine-tuning a recipe, that makes all the difference in the world, no matter what you start with.

    I'm not confident enough to sell my own lotions and I only just found (what I think is) lye here yesterday after about a year of searching, so I bring in soaps from other people and use Lindsay's (Soaper's Workshop) awesome lotion bases.

    On the other hand, I make a mean moisturizing oil that my customers absolutely love, as well as bath and foot soaks, facial masques, facial serums, etc.

    The best thing to do would be to... research, research, research! After that comes the best bit... experimenting! Do as much of both as you can, and with that under your belt, you'll find what YOU like best.

  7. Is it drying without the cyclo?

    I know cyclo helps reduce greasies, but it looks like this lotion is already pretty non-greasy on its own.

    Not sure whether you can add other moisturizing things like carrier oils without disrupting the preservation. Maybe ask Nature's Garden if there's room for additives.

  8. http://www.soapersworkshop.com/store/

    I initially ordered the Shea Butter lotion, but Lindsay sent me samples of the Indulgence and Decadence creams as well, and I like them both too!

    The shea butter is the lightest to me (though I do add hydrolyzed oatmeal), followed by Indulgence and Decadence. I'll probably order the Indulgence next!

    Her lip balms are very silky and a little goes a long way. A single swipe does it for me, and the flavor oils are fabulous. I got her pomegranate and used it at 1% for my first batch... I was worried at first while I was pouring because the scent all but disappeared, but a day later it was back with a real vengeance!

    Lindsay's great too, helpful, fast, efficient and friendly. She's willing to go the extra mile to make sure you're all set, and that's a huge brownie point in my book :D

  9. Recipes are a great way to start. You can get a basic feel for the percentages by comparing a few recipes, then you move on to subbing and customizing your own recipes.

    It's also partly experimentation. Some people like their body butters thick and heavy, some like them light and fluffy, some like them emulsified. When you know the basic properties of the oils (how rapidly it's absorbed, how "heavy" it is, etc), it'll really help you to fine tune a recipe to your liking.

    Research is your best friend :D

    Good luck!

  10. That means your shower gel is not able to suspend particles in it. Suspending shower gels usually have a suspending agent such as xanthan gum, which also functions as a thickener and stabilizer.

    If you're making this from scratch, you could try adding that. If you're using a base, try looking for "suspending shower gel".

  11. Ida from Chagrin Valley Craft has some awesome soaps.


    She has a goat's milk, honey and oatmeal soap that's unfragranced too. Here's an excerpt from the desc and ingredients from her webby:

    It is said that Cleopatra took daily baths in goat’s milk. It has been used for years to moisturize & soothe dry skin, as well as to heal eczema & other skin conditions. Goat Milk is one of nature’s finest moisturizers. Alpha-hydroxy acids found naturally in Goat milk are believed to have rejuvenating effects on skin's cells. Oatmeal soothes sensitive skin. This gentle soap is a perfect marriage of oatmeal, goat's milk, & honey. The oatmeal exfoliates with a gentle touch as the honey traps and seals in moisture leaving skin soft and supple. The goat's milk lends a rich, creamy, and silky quality to the lather. The ground oatmeal provides a pleasant warm scent that blends delightfully with the milk and honey aroma. Many of our customers have reported that Goat Milk Honey Oatmeal soap has helped clear up their eczema.

    Ingredients: Saponified oils of olive, palm, palm kernel, coconut, grapeseed, rice bran, shea butter; organic canola, castor bean, and wheat germ; goat's milk; oatmeal; raw honey; cornstarch; and vitamin E oil.

    I haven't tried this soap, but I've tried some of her other soaps and I love them.

    Her Honey Butter soap looks good as well, no fragrance either, I'm probably ordering one of those next round.


    Went through my bookmark folder of "Candletechies' Sites" and found a few others :)

    AJ's Country Cottage has one that's just pure goat's milk:


    Indulging Scentsations has another OMH one:


    Northern Lights has some too:


    Sonflower Springs Specialty Shoppe:


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