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Posts posted by Jadryga

  1. On the tracing/rice paper… Yes, the plastic is removable. I decided they needed to be so when they wear out I can replace them but…I have a cat. Not just any cat, I have Neelix. 22 lbs of canis feline (he thinks he’s a large dog). All boxes belong to the cat, and fine paper won’t last 10 minutes around him. I have given up even using wrapping paper on gifts. We are already fighting over the light box, he likes to jump in it and jump out the “windows” like a jack-in-the-box to scare his canine sister. Paper won’t survive that, though it’s a good suggestion.

    On hubby making you a sturdier light box... don't hold your breath unless you ook good in blue if he's anything like mine... why do we keep them? Oh yeah, we love them!:P

    Ahhh... cats... I love my cat too, but through liberal use of a water-spray bottle he has learned that the dining table is off-limits :laugh2: Nothing else works, he just thinks I'm playing otherwise! When we're eating he liked hopping up onto a chair and meowing, then when we're not looking he jumps up and digs into our dinner. That was something we really had to curb since 1, it's OUR dinner, he's got plenty of kibble, 2, sometimes we eat things like salted chicken (Chinese dish), which would upset his tummy.

    Maybe you could try only putting the tracing/rice paper on just before you start shooting? It should be pretty easy to make something with those huge black office paperclips so it's easy to attach and remove.

  2. I'm actually using MAC pigments and some Mad Minerals and Sweet Scents at the moment. LOVE the stuff! Although well, being a simple girl, I really only use about... 2-3 colors. My absolute favourite at the moment is MAC's Old Gold... it's natural on me, but it really brightens up my eyes.

    Some of the girls here buy mineral makeup (MAC, Mad Minerals, Sweet Scents), repackage and sell by the teaspoon (usually 1/2 or 1/4 tsp), so I get those to save my wallet and since I don't use makeup often. It really lasts and lasts (both in my pot and on my face)! :yay: Maybe we could work something out, Chickie :wink2:

    I'll definitely try Chickie's stuff! I have a lot of trouble finding the right foundation for my Asian skin, so what I've been trying to do is actually just get my skin to the point where I don't need foundation :laugh2: I do find I need a concealer though, and I suspect my current one from Bloom (not mineral) is breaking me out! :mad:

  3. You better get busy and make that light box then. If you wait on him it will never happen!

    I'll give him a few more days to surprise me... he's promised to do some other chores as well :laugh2:

    EDIT: Haha, DH says he wants to make me a "sturdier" one. I'll see how that pans out!

    100 watts? Won’t that like burn your retinas out? I was thinking of 50 watt daylight bulbs. I don’t claim to know anything about photography, so am really asking, not arguing. I was thinking 150 watts of light pointed directly into the box would be very bright… also I’m concerned about the heat produced by 300 watts. Will it melt the plastic I used to make my light box with? (I used plastic grocery bags).

    Maybe you could try tracing/rice paper, if the grocery bags are removable? They're less likely to melt. If you're using the plastic bags, you probably won't be able to play for too long with it.

  4. I am using laser labels and the "inky mess" will not come off, it's almost like it's baked on.:mad: What could this be?


    There should be a feature to clean the cartridges.

    I've taken a look at my tools. Try going to the printer toolbox on your computer

    Start -> Programs -> HP -> HP color laserjet 2600n -> HP color laserjet 2600n toolbox

    This should open up in your browser.

    Now it should show Status/Troubleshooting/Alerts/Documentation in tabs in the top left of the window along with your ink information, etc. Click the Troubleshooting tab.

    You'll see Clearing Jams. On the left there will be a menu bar with Clearing Jams/Print Problems/Troubleshooting Tools/Animated Demonstration. Click Troubleshooting Tools.

    Fiddle around there, I think the Print Quality Troubleshooting Pages bit might help. I don't know though, since I can't see what the marks are. You might try cleaning and calibrating the cartridges first, the options are on the same page.

    Laserjet printers DO basically bake the ink (lol). Inkjet printers spray liquid ink on, that's why they have to dry. Laserjet printers deposit powder ink that they bake into the paper. That's why with laserjet printers the paper comes out warm, and the ink is waterproof. It's also why until recently it used to be impossible to print glossy or transparencies - simply because the heat from laserjet printers melt the glossy coat or transparency, which means disaster for your printer. Ask me how I know :tongue2: I nearly really did break my HP2600n then!

    Lesson learned: ALWAYS make sure your glossies or transparencies are laserjet compatible.

  5. you must be a young newly wed... after a decade or two of marraige it takes a lot more than fluttering eyelashes to get thier attention! Ergo... i made my own light box. He promised me to make me one over a month ago. that was right after I finally made the loaf mold he had promised to make a month before that...

    :laugh2: We're in our twenties. My DH sounds like yours, so I usually end up making my own things too. Either age doesn't matter or I'm doing something wrong! Here I was thinking it was just mine. Men. Pah.

  6. I love the copyright warning!!

    I actually took the time to register this piece of crap with the government.

    They laughed at me, but they also granted me copyright.

    Which means that all logos, trademarks and photos in this site are property of the respective owner, me.

    All the rest...

    Copyright ©2006-2007 Grumpy Girl Candle & Bath Co.

    Construction paper and glue provided by HCM Pro

    Do you ship internationally, Grumpy? I tried finding info on the site, didn't see anything. I'm actually somewhat serious about that Genuine Leather soap :laugh2:

  7. I'm using Freewebs at the moment. It's a little slow sometimes, but they have a good selection of templates, and their site builder layout is relatively easy to understand. It should work well as a temporary stand-in until you get a good host.

    Maybe check it out and see if it suits you :)

    My wishlist and my soapie website are both on freewebs, so you can take a look, though take note that the latter is a work in progress. It was created as more of an online reference page that I kept adding things to, and it's still far from complete. For one, I'm still using their stock template! The wishlist uses a stock template too.



  8. Yeah, it would... I'm actually picturing it in my head now. It would definitely minimize contact to just the top of the pump, and that can easily be done with a non-oily part of the body (the wrist or side of the hand, for example). I say go for it!

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