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Posts posted by britishgirl

  1. The motor oil one is so horrible it smells just like motor oil though. They have a dirt one and garlic one too yech! Who would want a garlic candle LOL.

    might be good for keeping vampires away!! (sorry just had to)

    wouldnt mind the motor oil one as friend of mine works in motor sport may have to keep that in mind!

  2. having only recently entered into the dark addiction called candle making i agree it not cheap:( fun and exciting and lots to learn though

    i used to think it was my children who broke my bank managers heart now i hear he breaks into a cold sweat and hides in the corner crying when some one mentions candle making:tongue2:

  3. i also think theres a market if you can get your prices good enough, having looked around we have limited suppliers of moulds over here at a reasonable price:)

    There are a few suppliers over here ie full moons (priced over odds) thorne and few more

    Cant advise on customs etc possibly nattycat would be the best lady to speak to about that side of things:)

    What ever you decide on keep me posted and good luck

  4. i must stop wandering around looking at things thinking i wonder if i could use that and wonder if girls would notice i nicked this of them and melted wax in it :D

    mind you i have now got them and their mates keeping old lip balm type pots/eyeshadow/blusher to store a scented wax in so if friends want to know what scent smells like what i can whip it under their nose and say sniff that *super banana*

    now off to search the kitchen cupboards lol no where is now safe

  5. Everyone here for the most part is very nice. No matter how silly the question may seem, we all have been new.

    Your question has already been answered!!!:wink2:

    i know everyones nice here and answers :D but there are times when as a new kid on the block i feel a little :embarasse asking questions that may seem to have obvious answer, but then if you dont ask you dont learn

    long may the questions keep coming

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