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Posts posted by Jami

  1. I needle knit as well as have a variety of looms. Knifty Knitter Looms and other looms are great for those who can't get the hang of needle knitting. I started with the looms and it taught me the terminology that I didn't understand to needle knit so it was a great start for me. In addition to knittinghelp.com videos, this link was neat to watch to help get the hang of it

    The only down fall to the knifty knitter is the pegs are so far apart, it takes using 2 strands of yarn at the same time or a bulky yarn. They are perfect for hats, scarves, purses and things like that. I can make anything on my variety of looms (at least 30 different looms) that I have that can be made on needles. Some things I can make ALOT faster on a loom than on needles. Looms come in several gauges (space of distance between pegs) just like changing the size of the needles used. A good friend of mine makes purses, scarves, hats, etc on the looms to sell. She does quite well with selling these items too.

    I know MANY people who use looms because I am on several loom knitting groups. I would never tell someone needles are better than looms and vice versa. I would say try each and whatever works for you, go for it!

  2. I also love your packaging. The round labels are giving me NIGHTMARES :laugh2:

    If I use Print Shop Pro, it won't let me change each label so I have to print a sheet of the same thing. Word won't let me work in a circle, just basically a block print. I would love to see how others are getting around this problem. I would love to be able to put my company name around the inner edge of the circle with the product info centered in the label. It just isn't happening lol

    Anyway, thanks for sharing! I love seeing what others are doing.

  3. The FBB from Kangaroo Blue has no preservatives. Here is the ingredient list:

    INCI: Glycerin, Distilled Water, Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Sorbitol, Propylene Glycol, Disodium Lauryl Sulfosuccinate, Stearic Acid, Sodium Chloride, Pentasodium Pentetate, Tetrasodium Etidronate.

  4. Watch out Gran, this post is what got me addicted to BB products :laugh2:

    I ordered my supplies from MMS a few months ago and my first batch came out great like a nice thick cream. I had to go back and use a little IPM to cut the greasy feeling. I have made several batches since that have come out AWESOME for friends but I don't sell it because of the testing issue.

    Give it a try, its FUN :yay:

  5. I also use the dixie cups for my votives but I use a tart/votive blend. I put my wick pins in the cups and pour just like I would if I were using the metal votive molds. Once they are set up, I tear the cup off put in a CD 6 wick and I am done.

    I just had to find some bigger votive glasses to put them in. The smaller votive glasses don't work lol

  6. Interesting. The ONLY thing I see different is that 14. Phenoxyethanol moved down to the bottom with the rest of the preservatives. That tells me that basically the only difference is less of the Phenoxyethanol was used. To me this is like "splitting hairs" because of the other preservatives that are already used.

    I would be pretty confident in using the body butter from Moon Glow as replacement for the GL Base.

  7. I can't stand the smell of shrink wrap on my tarts. I use zip lock poly pro bags BUT on the candle gallery, someone posted pics of using bags similar to the sippy drinks bags. She got them at WSP. I love the look of them and will switch to those. It averages out to about 24 cents each plus the cost of shipping. Definitely gives it a much nicer delivery presentation.

    I have been using clamshells but want to have different shapes of tarts and I think that was my missing piece in the packaging area.

  8. Hey Jadryga -

    I just wanted to follow up and see if you tweaked this one any more since your last thread. After reading it before, I ordered the MNO and RBO to play with.

    I want to try this recipe out :drool: I think I will add a little emu oil as well. My daughter's best friend is 6 1/2 months pregnant and crying tonite because she has started getting stretch marks on her hips. She has been using my lotion bars on her belly and hips. No marks on her belly YET but she wants to know what I can make to help with the ones starting :laugh2:

    I think the properties of these oils, just might make a great belly balm!

  9. I just got some MNO in a few days ago. I have seen several facial cream recipes use MNO because it is light and absorbs quickly into the skin. I have also read that people subsitute mac nut oil and/or rice bran oil for SAO and a few other oils.

    My interpretation of all my research is that it is a light oil. If I am wrong, I might cry because I have a pound of it.:laugh2:

  10. EZ Soy and GB 415 are one in the same. The melt point is 120-125. I pour mine when it has a tomato juice consistence or "slushy". I have always had smooth tops when I pour cool but the frosting drove me insane.

    I blend mine with 30% IGI 4627 to eliminate frosting. It does have great scent throw for most scents though.

  11. Eco 12's work GREAT with my 50/50 blend. I used a CD 14 on my 70/30 blend and it took 2 burns to catch up and clean the jars.

    I only tried to wick one 100% soy and said heck with that because the size wick it would have taken was just too hot for the glass.

    By the way, I couldn't get this jar wicked with the LX wicks either so don't feel bad lol

  12. I really like my parasoy blend. I use the GB 444 wax which is soy with a 2% UA and IGI 4627 paraffin. I have excellent adhesion but the 2% UA helps with hardening the wax for a slower burn.

    I have tried blends with GB 415 (100% soy) and paraffin. My melt pool was DEEP with my normal wicking that I use for parasoy. I really had to wick down to slow the burn down and when I did that, I was having a hard time getting the melt pool to the glass. A small amount of beeswax or coconut oil can harden the wax and help with burn time.

    I have tried vybar and didn't like the results but everyone is different. I preferred the beeswax (3%) or coconut oil (1/2 T) over stearic acid for hardening the wax in my parasoy blend.

  13. I don't use a thermometer any more. After I measure out my wax, I color it. Then after I blend the color, I add my FO and stir. I let it sit until it looks like it has hit the tomato juice consistency. I stir one more time very gently so I don't have any air bubbles and pour.

    The worst that will happen pouring some soy wax too hot is you will get an ugly top that can be zapped with a heat gun to smooth it out.

    One thing you might want to think about is using a pyrex measuring glass instead of a pour pot. At least with the glass, you can put it in the microwave for a few seconds to thin it out enough to pour.

  14. Usually remelting like that tempers the shea and eliminates the graininess (is that a word? lol)

    I am still laughing at your heading about the lotion bar having mumps, sorry lol

    I am sure others will be more helpful. I have just read on several sites including searching in this one that you can temper shea butter by melting, letting it set back up then remelting. I would think by that third remelt it would have been really tempered lol

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