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Posts posted by Jami

  1. That is interesting. I didn't find that such a small amount of coconut oil affected the wicking at all. It seems to even be the opposite for me. If I put in too much coconut oil, it makes the wax harder and I have cracking. I use 1/2 T in my 70/30 blend. I tried 1 T and had to go up a size in wicks. I tried 1 T in my 50/50 blend and not sure if it was the coconut oil or just the wax was a little dried out because I haven't had it in a sealed container but I had cracking all the way around the edge of the jar. I am leaning more towards my soy that I used being a little "dried out". I was using GB 444 in my 70/30 and ran out of it so I thought I would try the GB 415 I hadn't used in a while in a 50/50 blend.

    Everyone's wax, blends, temps/humidity, FO's etc can all have different results just like making the same type candles without the coconut oil though.

    Nanny, you only mentioned the burn with the 1/2 tsp and not the candle with 1 T, how did that one do?

  2. I used a CD 16 wick in my wide mouths with GB 415 with great success. I have seen others go all the way up to a CD 20 with their soy. Maybe start in the middle with a CD 18.

    I have also seen HTP 1212's used but that was too much for my candles. The HTP 126 worked better for me in the wide mouths.

    I tried LX and RRD's but didn't have the same good results. I have recently been testing eco wicks with a 70/30 blend in a 3 1/2 inch jar and getting great results so you might want to try the eco 12 or 14's and see how that does for you.

    Hope this helps some!

  3. With my bases, I can easily add 2 - 3% additives without compromising the integrity of the base or preservative. Your supplier can tell you how much you can add. I have seen some bases go as high as 10% which scares me lol Concentrated bases can go as high as 50% of additives which of course includes water.

    I have added IPM to a few of mine when I have that greasy feeling and it works great. I have even added cyclo to help the "glide" so it won't be sticky and it helps alot while leaving a soft powerdy feel.

    I would suggest playing with a couple additives for your personal use to see how they affect the lotion. That is what I did and it was the only way for me to learn.

  4. I haven't had any bases (lotions and body mousse) turning brown with any FO including vanillas. Pink Sugar seems to be my most popular and I have no problems. I get my pink sugar from ICS. I know vanillas will turn soaps brown, including MP after a time but it shouldn't turn lotions brown.

    Not sure why yours did :confused: Where are you getting your base from? I don't think its the FO's as much as the base if you have problems with more than one FO with vanilla in it.

  5. Jami - those are great ! If you want, you can always remelt the one (though I think its kind of neat the way it is) and repour - it will still "repattern".

    Whose palms are you using? Guessing those the candlescience palms?

    It is the palm from CS. I actually have had it for a while but haven't been brave enough to try pillars. I think they indimidated me after seeing so many gorgeous pictures. I finally said heck with it one night and tried them (Thanks to Jakalex).

    The pink one has grown on me. I kind of like how it has the different effect. I might even try to do a "line" at the top and bottom to match with a different pattern in the middle just to cover up any boo boo's I make lol

    Thanks for looking :grin2:

  6. I found out that glass glow, starburst and feather waxes are IGI waxes. The below info MIGHT help identify the type other vendors carry rather than palm 1, palm 2 etc.

    Glass Glow Blend - IGI R2322A

    Starburst Blend - IGI R2778A

    Feather Blend - IGI R2779A

    NG has announced they will be carrying palm wax in addition to the other vendors we know about.

    I think we are going to see several suppliers carry palm wax in the next month or two and I can't wait!!

  7. Nice to see another Tennessean on board!!

    Not sure what you are looking for but we do have a few places that shipping isn't too bad.

    I practiced with the jelly jars from walmart. They were great to practice with but I want a different look so I am starting my testing all over with new jars.

    www.soycandle.com is in Louisville and has 10 oz candelina jars that hold 8.5 - 9 oz of wax.

    Alabaster is also in Louisville and has a selection of 8 oz jars.


    Candle Science has good prices with great shipping rates:


    TN Candle Supplies is located in East Tennessee and has a variety of jars


    Not sure if you are aware of it or not but Craft Lobby is in Memphis. I don't see jars on the website but they have alot of other supplies that might help you save on shipping.


    Hope this helps a little!

  8. I personally would suggest the 3 in 1 be, hand soap - foaming or straight, bubble bath and shower gel. Guys could care less what type of shampoo they use but women are alot more particular about it.

    If you are looking at the cost aspect, you might want to check out the bubble bath concentrate from WSP. Depending on how much water you add to it will determine the outcome of what product you want to use it for. The reviews show the ones mentioned above.

    I actually use the concentrate in my shower gel if the FO makes it a little thin. A little bit of the concentrate thickens it right back up. I use the bubble bath for my grandson and he loves all the bubbles it makes at a 50/50 mix. I tried a 70/30 for bubble bath. It made great bubbles but they went away quick. The 70/30 actually is a good mix for shower gel. Even at 70/30, the mix is thick. For the foaming hand soap, it can take as little as 10% of this concentrate.

    Hopefully, this will help some :wink2:

  9. I actually got some in my last order from WSP. I have used it in shower gels and get a pretty effect from it.

    It takes VERY little. I have also used it in bubble bath. Not sure how much of a foam booster it is because I already get a great lather from my products. For the price and how long it will stretch, I think it is well worth it.

  10. Ok, you can add Chestnuts and Brown Sugar from Just Scent. Throws great after only 48 hours of cure time!

    I mixed 1/2 decadant pound cake and 1/2 chestnuts and brown sugar in my glass glow container. The throw filled up my whole upstairs and made me want some CAKE. I actually only waited 24 hours to burn one of them because I want to compare the throw at 24 hours vs. 1 week for my other candle I poured with the same blend.

    It was DIVINE!!! :yay:

  11. Thanks everyone :grin2: I can't believe I have had this wax sitting here for over a month but was intimidated by making pillars since I had never made them lol

    I am really having fun trying something new. I will be making more in the next day or two. Hopefully practice will make perfect :yay:

  12. I totally love your uniqueness with this line of candles!!! Beautiful labels too! Awesome job!!

    - - - - - - - - - -

    I love those labels too!! :yay: I can't wait to get to the point where I can design my own labels!! I already have my business named picked out though. Should I get that taken care of now, or wait till I have tested some candles? Also, what types of candles do you girls/guys test?

    If you are going to have a website, you might want to check to see if it is available. If it is available, purchase the domain name. I would hate to see you go through alot of work with your business name in mind only to find out it is taken.

    You don't have to "officially" register your business name for tax purposes yet but at least lock it in for designing purposes.

  13. I will throw another point to ponder on the subject....

    I don't know there is a scent out there I can't get to throw in soy wax that I make tarts. My problem with some scents start the second I add a wick to some of them. At this point, I yell FORGET IT :laugh2:

    When I find a scent that doesn't throw in a candle, I made a note on that bottle, FOR TARTS ONLY. I won't waste my FO's this way.

  14. I agree with Stella about the melt and remelting of the wax losing crystalization. I noticed it on a couple of my testers. Upon closer investigation, the pattern was gone compared to the original pour and the wax was darker where it had melted and set back up.

    If you look at the picture I posted earlier for my palm pillars, the pink one has a "jump line". I poured a little wax to secure the votive holder and let it cool for 5 or 6 minutes then poured the rest. Where I started the repour, there is a line. That line is darker than the rest of the candle similar to the area around the top of your candle.

    It is the nature of the wax in that when it melts and sets back up, you will get a different "look". That look is different than when the glass was hot, the wax was hot and everything cooled slow on your original pour.

    I wouldn't stress over it. Actually, pat yourself on the back that you are getting a clean burn to the glass like you are. I am struggling with that in my containers. A couple will do it then a couple won't grr lol

    What combination (wax, wick and jar size) are you using? Enquiring minds want to know :grin2:

  15. I have only made one set of pillars and had so much fun that I wanted to learn more. Here is what I made last night. I also gave making forever pillars a shot. I ended up with a jump line because I was trying to "set" the votive glass before I poured the rest. Apparently, I waited too long but didn't think I had *sigh*

    Forever Palm using 1/2 Starburst and 1/2 Feather Palm:



    "Plum Crazee" Octagon Palm Pillar using Starburst Palm Wax:


    "Perfect Pear" Spiral Palm Pillar - not a great choice of molds for palm. You can't see a pattern but in person it looks like frost on a window in the winter time.


  16. Just something to try if you are having problem with your palm "rattling".

    I had that when I first started making them but didn't have it after my first batch. I heat my jars in the oven at 170 (thats as low as my gas oven will go). When I pour my wax into the jars, I put them on an inverted dishdrainer and then cover with a box. I never had any probelms once I started doing that vs. my first batch of the jars being at room temp.

    This last batch I made, I added 10% soy. I don't have any rattling nor has it even pulled loose from the jar. I can usually see the "shrinkage" around the top of the candle but I don't have that on the ones with the 10% soy. Using this little amount of soy doesn't affect the crystalization either.

    Just worth a shot for container palm if you are having those problems.

  17. GB444 by itself was a nightmare to me lol I love it blended with my IGI 4627 paraffin wax.

    When I did some candles with straight 444, CD 18s worked in the wide mouth jars which had a 3 inch diameter. CD 16 started out slow and didnt give me a full melt pool on the first burn, it did catch up on the second burn though.

    Hopefully, the CD 18 will work for you!!

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