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Posts posted by number2of7

  1. I LOVE that oil too -- but, to me, it throws better as a tart than in a candle (citrus scents can be finicky sometimes in a candle). I use a parasoy wax though, but it looks like we have similar issues :\

    Put that sucker in some b&b stuff -- drool!!!

  2. 1oz pp of wax (often less) has always been sufficient with their oils.

    Some of my personal holiday favorites:

    Amish Harvest - wick up!

    Apple Jack & Peel

    Grandma's Swingin' Eggnog

    As good as their oils are, you would think I would have tried more of them by now but you know how that goes :)

    Good luck with your show!

  3. VERY impressed with their customer service!!! Received my oils quickly too :)

    Haven't had a chance to put any of them into wax, but OOB, there were a couple of potential keepers from the list I got: Autumn Lodge, Raspberry & Violets, and either Orange Grove or Honey Orange (the both smell very similar OOB...hoping the wax pulls the honey out of the latter one)

    The rest I ordered were just okay or not that impressive. None of them are super strong OOB, but I've learned to not let that discourage me until I get it in the wax.

    Scented, what did you think of the ones you received??

  4. BACON!! omg BACON .. This makes me want to give up candlemaking. LOL ok- not really but I get a horrible headache and want to gag but my husband works with a bunch of navy men who think this scent just rocks and I am selling it like crazy. Soooo I must keep making it but I cant cant cant cant cant stand it.

    I am the tpe that will pour whatever my customers want even if it makes me sick :( But I am thinking about giving it a month and then saying " Ohhhh, so sorry, they discontinued Bacon FO around the world" HAHAHA

    I've never purchased this FO for fear that it would remind me of dog treats!!

  5. pardon my ignorance, but who is TCS? I am still learning the acronyms and I currently only purchase from about 3-4 suppliers but I would make a 5th to get a VBN that throws/sells! thanks!

    TCS = Tennessee Candle Supply

    TCS = The Candle Source

    Most are referring to the 1st supplier, but wanted you to be aware that some (like me) refer to the latter the same way :\

  6. I soaped Purple Sage & Mint Leaf the other day and there is no scent what so ever in the finished product...has anyone else had this happen with this scent? :undecided

    We did this scent in cp soap about a month or so ago -- I just went and sniffed it again (you got me paranoid) and it's not as strong as it once was. I did just finish pouring a round of several candles so my sniffer may be temporarily broken. Gonna wait until things calm down and sniff it again later tonight -- definitely gonna keep an eye out for this one in case it morphs :\

  7. Wow! I'm surprised at all the poor reviews from VBN from Just Scent. I've been using hers for years and we get rave reviews from our customers -- they even claim it smells better than the original from BBW. Guess it's all personal preference, but I personally love hers!!

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