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Posts posted by number2of7

  1. I can understand the "huh" thing from the distributors -- they aren't technically aroma beads until we add the fragrance :) You could possibly ask them for polymer beads or polymer crystals?? Not sure if that's the technical name or not but it's a different avenue to try...

  2. No one cares about the ripples except us, I promise! I've been using KY parasoy for a few years now and the consistency seems to change from batch to batch. Sometime I order and I get smooth tops -- other times, I get the ripples. Naturally, I freaked out when I got ripples for the first time....convinced myself that my customers would freak out. Not one person has ever said anything. I mean, after all, they're going to melt them anyway so I don't think ripples are their main concern...just good scent throw! :)

  3. @ simply fragrant -- I ordered a sample from JS a couple of weeks ago. Keeping in mind that I've never smelled the original from Slatkin, I personally didn't care for it OOB. Smelled VERY perfumey to me...not at all what I imagined in my head that "leaves" would smell like.

  4. Isn't Havana the same as what GL called Maduro? I use that for DH's shave soap but have only a few ounces left - when that's gone, I'll have to start shopping around for something similar.

    Yes, it's the same thing :) I've been using it since GL carried it...I just love that scent!

  5. I knew I wanted to work with a parasoy wax (love the best of both worlds kinda thing) --- so I chose suppliers close to me and tested a couple of waxes, then chose which worked best for me. I just think it's important for the wax supplier to be close due to the high shipping costs. Sure, there may be a better wax out there, but if I'm happy with what I have, why choose a supplier on the other side of the continent for a wax that may or may not be better. Just my way of thinkin'....

  6. I ordered some samples from them about a week or so ago -- with the busy holiday season, I haven't had time to put them in wax, but I can tell you that I was very pleased with the OOB smell on all of them except one! I ordered about a dozen so that was pretty impressive to me....

    I know that wasn't overly helpful, but it at least lets you know that it might be worth that 40 mile drive for you just to go sniff 'em :)

  7. I don't use their sprayers, but the only time I've ever had leakage problems like you mentioned was when I overfilled the bottle --- you gotta allow extra room for the liquid to rise a bit for when you put the sprayer on.

    But, if you're not overfilling and you've given them a good solid turn to tighten them, then I'd say you may just have faulty sprayers :\

  8. Oooo, I hate to hear that. I ordered from them almost 2 years ago and everything I got then was great but they of course could've changed since then. What are companies you consider stronger now? I'm sure Peak is one, as they consistently get good reviews.

    My favorite supplier is Moonworks -- every oil I've ever tried is just amazing!!! She also carries 'different' stuff from the norm, which is what I'm always on the hunt for. The Candle Source still ranks as one of my favorites to this day (I've been using them since the very beginning) and Just Scent is still a favorite (lots of misses, but plenty of hits to keep going back) --- new-to-me-suppliers I've tried and have learned to love: Tennessee, Only Fragrance (I've had great luck with his oils), Aroma Haven (moving up my favorites list), and Connie's Candles.

    To the person above who mentioned Cracklin' Birch, that one was strong for me two years ago when I carried it, so if it's weak now then they changed the formula. That one was always a booger to wick...smells great though (or at least it did).

  9. I actually ordered a sample of it -- although it had a nice smell, I was afraid it just wouldn't be strong enough in wax. It would probably be nice in b&b products, but I have plenty that fall into just that category :\ Sadly, NG has fallen off my favorites list lately. IMO their scents have weakened over time...or maybe I've just gotten spoiled to using companies with stronger oils...

  10. Thank you Green! I do have a sample of that and was going to do some testing on that one soon. I have looked into cracklin birch and winter garden from NG as replacements also.

    FYI: Cracklin' Birch smells great, but it smells like a men's cologne to me --- Winter Garden is very perfumey to me...something in it smells off! Just thought I'd give some input on those two for ya ;-)



    Dragon's Blood

    Hippy Christmas

    Bergamot & Tarragon


    Torrential Rains

    Flower Child

    Green Clover & Aloe

    Egyptian Dragon

    Autumn Magic

    Lemon Sugar (scent does fade some, but it's still doable)


    Buttercream Cupcake -- smells like playdough to me in cp soap

    Fresh Strawberry -- scent completely morphs out

    Cucumber Splash -- scent fades quickly

  12. I just ordered a sample of Tinsel last night so I'm glad it's getting good reviews from you guys!

    I used their Nutcracker either last year or the year before -- NOT a fan of that one at all! It's pretty strong, but the smell is weird :\ Doesn't really have a Christmas feel to it at all...

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