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Auntie S

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Posts posted by Auntie S

  1. Thanks for all your replies

    Stella, I'm gonna try your idea....pouring a little bit into a tealight cup and see what falls out and which one sticks.

    Thanks for all your replies

    Stella, I'm gonna try your idea....pouring a little bit into a votive cup and see which one comes out easily, and which one sticks.

    Sorry for posting twice. anyone know how to delete the first post

  2. Boy, I haven't been here in awhile. Lots of new names. Haven't made any candles in awhile either. Make lots of tarts though. Just a couple of questions..... Does anyone make their own tea lights. Is there a certain kind of wax to use. I've never made them before...I've always just bought them. I use alot of them in my tart burners so I'd like to make my own. is there a HPT wick I could use. I have 2 two presto pots with wax in them...one is labeled with the type of wax, the other is not ......is there any way to tell what type of wax it is. OK, that's more than a couple of questions. Hope someone can help.

    OK, I found some of the answers to some questions doing a search. yeah, I should of done that first. But I still don't know how to figure out what type of wax is in the other presto pot

  3. For those of you who make room sprays, do you make them when you get an order for them or do you make them up ahead of time. Do they have a shelf live. If I was to do a craft show in November...could I make all my sprays now.

  4. Omg you guys are funny. What kind of trees do you get the itty bitty pine cones from? ( and don't say itty bitty pine trees )What is best time of year to find them? We have a park across the street from where we live and it has all kinds of trees, but I haven't seen any of the little pine cones only big ones


  5. Yeah, but when I make my embeds, I like to do a whole bunch of the same ones, then store them so when I need them, I have them already made. So

    why couldn't I just add extra scent to the wax to make up for the unscented embeds.

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