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Posts posted by CatlinPM

  1. This week I finished up pouring some stock to replace what I had sold last weekend. I poured Caramel Pecan Pie, Lemon Pound Cake, Mistletoe, Southern Vanilla, New England Mist, Blue Sugar, Fruit Slices, Jamaica Me Crazy, Cinnamon Buns, Gardenia, Juicy Pineapple, and Buttercream Frosting all into 16oz apothecary jars. Now I think I'm ready for the continuation of last weeks show this weekend. It's a Halloween Festival so hopefully it will go well!

  2. Does anyone have any experience using these two programs together? I'm attempting to build my own webpage and am having some difficulty with my shopping cart. I wasn't able to get the cart to recognize the product chosen from the drop down menu, it was instead just putting the last item listed on the drop down menu into the cart. I'm trying to figure out what I'm missing...

  3. I have no idea about how the cold will affect the candles, so no answer for you there. I do know that if you are pouring the candles outside in cold weather it will be more difficult to keep your containers/molds warm enough. If the containers/molds are too cool, the hot wax will harden instantly when it hits the glass/metal and you'll lose the cool crystal effect. You'll just have to make sure everything stays hot enough (wax, molds etc..) which could be possible although definitely more difficult.

  4. I just got a request for a private label wholesale account from one of the other vendors at a swapmeet I do. Apparently she has a store out of state, and she wants to buy some candles from me to sell there. She is ok with having my information on the bottom of the candle but wants her own label on the top. To start with she wants to buy 24 of my 7oz candles and 24 of my 17oz candles. She only wants one of each scent (I'm assuming so she can find out what sells). The weird part is that she and her husband didn't seem to forthcoming with information about the state they wanted to sell them in or the store they own etc... I've got myself worried now that she's going to relabel them and sell them at the swapmeet as her own candles. Maybe I'm just being silly. I haven't sold her anything yet other than the 17oz candle she bought for herself. It was my first request for wholesale and I got so excited I just jumped the gun and started spewing off information at an alarming rate. Now that I think about it I should have said that I would need to work up an estimate for her etc... And I never should have even mentioned private label unless she brought it up. Jeeze I'm honest to a fault sometimes. I'm probably just being paranoid, it was busy today and difficult to have a lengthy conversation. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent a little...

  5. OMG...It looks exactly like candy corn!! beautiful layers! Please share how you did the layers, as I have been to chicken to try them with glass glow...:o[/quote

    I'm kind of getting a system down, mostly by trial and error. I preheat the container and pour the first layer, than let it cool completely. Before I pour another layer i've been hitting the container with the heat gun, not enough to melt the first layer but just to warm the container a bit. Than after I pour I hit it with the heat gun again if the glass glow starts to frost on the container (when it sets up to quickly). I let that layer cool completely than do the next layer and so on. I still have some bugs to work out, but it seems to be working ok so far.

  6. The immediate thoughts that come to my mind are candle nose and cure time. Right after I make a candle I have difficulty smelling much of anything for a day or so afterwards, let alone the freshly made candle. The fragrance is usually so strong while you are making the candle that it overpowers your scent receptors and any weaker version of that scent may be difficult to smell (candle nose). Secondly how long after you made the candle did you wait before you burned it? With most types of wax there is some curing time needed before you get full fragrance potency. I use palm wax, and for me it usually takes about a week before they are ready to burn. Again that varies depending on your wax, some don't need a cure time, some only a day or two, some longer. If you smell the candle every day or so after its been made, you will probably notice the scent getting stronger or even changing a little bit. I notice with some of mine that certain parts of the scent will drop to the background, more subtle characteristics of the scent may become more prominent etc... Anyway, I'm sure someone that uses this wax will chime in and be of more help than I can. Good luck with your candlemaking adventures, it can be very frustrating at times, but it's also alot of fun!

  7. He said he didn't clean it although I wouldn't be surprised if he did because that was my first thought when I saw it too. He did say that he let it burn until there was nothing left and then took the wick tabs out. I'm actually amazed that the container didn't shatter, explode or do something else.... I shudder to think :tongue2:

  8. I lurk on this board alot and have posted a few times but I just had to post this as it is my first crazy customer experience... anyways, i've been making candles for about 10 months now and just recently started doing a swap meet type show every weekend for the last 3 weeks. Last weekend one of the other vendors bought one of my 16 oz glass glow apothecary candles. I make sure to explain proper "burn techniques" to every customer who buys from me, but obviously this guy wasn't paying attention or just didn't care. He came back to my booth today with an empty jar and jokingly was giving me grief for the burn time on the candle. He said it only burned for about 2.5 days... After asking him some questions, I came to learn that he had apparently burned the candle for 2.5 days straight without blowing it out

    :shocked2:. He said that made him happy because the candles he normally buys at wal mart that are the same size only last him 12 -15 hours?? I can't even imagine what that candle looked like at say the 2 day mark! I made sure to explain proper burning procedures to him again since he bought another candle, and also stressed how dangerous that can be etc....Anyway, I was actually amazed at how little soot was on the container after burning it like that and thought I'd post a pic to go with my little story...


  9. Those are great looking.

    Let us know the test results.

    Your photo's are great. Are you using a photo light tent?

    Thank you! It's a light box that i made using and old rubbermaid clear storage container, some white fabric i had and some poster board. It seems to work pretty well for just using stuff I had lying around the house. I've been really happy with it.

  10. Those are pretty - I poured mine the other day and mine looks much like yours. Mine was in the blueberry cheesecake from cs - smells good. It seemed to burn hotter that the glass glow, think I will have to wick down on it. Got to try another one and see. Have you burned one yet? I think I like the glass glow better - wish they would hurry up and get more in!

    I haven't burned them yet, but probably today or tomorrow. I wicked them with CSN 11's as my starting point. And I know what you mean about the glass glow palm it's been out of stock forever! I check it every time I get online and about 2 days ago I got on and they had some 10lb bags in stock so I ordered 2 of them. When I went to check again after completing my order it showed that they were out of stock again! :shocked2: I guess the glass glow is very popular stuff!

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