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Posts posted by kidsngarden

  1. It's family - that's the only reason I am consigning with them. I know I know, business and family like oil and water. They are about 2 hours away. They have a computer program I can check to monitor my sales. For me this is a trial. The demographic is completely different than where I live. This is a very upscale clothing store in downtown Seattle and in Bellevue (burb of Seattle). I live in a farming community. They may go into an exclusive line if my stuff sells in thier store - which then of course would be straight up wholesale. Even if they don't want me to do an exclusive I'm think of saying 2 - 3 months consignment then after that if they want my product it will be wholesale. That is plenty of time to see if it flies there.

    So I foot the bill to ship - right?


  2. I realize that consignment is not the best way to do things, but if I do it and the store is not local to me, I foot the bill for the shipping right?

    this might affect my wholesale price and how many I want them to take on consignment....



  3. These are my Aunt and Uncles stores - but they wouldn't hesitate to rip me off. What I don't want to do is say "I'll wholesale for "X" - and have them sell it for three times as much. What I want to say is, "The suggested retail is $12.00, I will wholesale for $6" and put the suggested retail on the label so that snags them there.

    Right now I don't offer this to anyone buy my local customers which are far away from this store (2 hours) and they would NEVER shop there - $1000 dresses! OUCH! I do worry about people coming to my website and seeing the body butter for cheaper ($8) there though. But then again on the web they have to pay shipping. Maybe I will talk an exclusive label with them, they asked initially if I would do it for them. I said only if I reformulated my product a bit so it was different from what I normally sell..."made exclusively for _________ by Capellas Garden soap Co. Without my website, etc. I am still getting my name out and really wanted the advertising, but the pricing is what's getting me...


  4. I have an opportunity to put my body butter on the counter of a very high end store - provided I have high end packaging. So far they really like a cobalt blue jar with a silver lid. Or maybe clear with a black lid. The white waterproof labels won't do...

    If I buy clear labels, print in a lighter gray (for the colbalt - black for the clear) with a laser printer, will the ink smear with lotioned hands?

    My other alternative was to do a round label for the bottom with the boring stuff and a hang tag with the product name and fun stuff.

    Any tips?



  5. You can get these really cute ball canning jars at Walmart- they are 8 oz if you fill them to the VERY top. They have the cool platinum lids. Less than a buck a jar. comes in a 4 pack. but if it's just for you, use whatever!


  6. SOmeone told me a salt bar made the classic way - 75% coconut oil and 25% shea with same weight of salt ppo works well with acne. I made some and hate it for my body so maybe i'll save it and see if it will work for acne.


  7. There are vegetable fats that clog arteries :grin2:

    I've been thinking about this all day. I would never put lard in a moisturizer, but I would put it in my soap. Do you think it is different when it is saponified? I mean, I know it is, but does it break down the fats in a different way so they don't clog so much? I have been using OMH for two months and don't notice any change with blackheads, etc.


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